What is Pityriasis Versicolor? When Black Spots Begin To Appear

What is Pityriasis Versicolor?

Pityriasis Versicolor is a common skin condition where patches of the skin have turned a different colour from the rest of the skin. These patches can be anywhere on the body, but most often they appear on the back and chest or upper arms. They can also affect the neck and face.

The skin is covered in tiny hair follicles, which are surrounded by sebum glands that produce oil to coat the hair. The sebum glands make a perfect breeding ground for a specific type of yeast called Malassezia furfur.

This yeast normally lives harmlessly on everyone’s skin and is usually kept under control by other bacteria on the top layer of our skin, although it is not yet known why the yeast starts to grow out of control in some cases.

When this happens it causes pityriasis versicolor. It does not cause itching or any other symptoms, though some people find that it can become sore if exposed to too much sunlight.

Most sufferers experience only one or two episodes of pityriasis versicolor during their lifetime, although some may suffer more frequently than this.

Pityriasis versicolor is a benign skin condition caused by a yeast infection of the skin. The overgrowth of the yeast causes spots to develop on the skin and this is what gives pityriasis versicolor its appearance. The spots are usually slightly pink or light brown in color and scaly in texture. They are often slightly raised and can be itchy. The condition usually affects the upper trunk, chest, back and upper arms, but it can also affect other parts of the body too.

The condition is quite common, affecting around 2-3% of adults each year, however it does seem to affect people with oily skin more than others as it thrives on oily skins; hence why it is more common in young adults. It is not contagious, although those who have had it once are likely to get it again.

Pityriasis versicolor is a common skin condition. Caused by the yeast Malassezia furfur, it is characterized by small, discolored patches of skin on the chest or back. The lesions are often scaly and may be itchy. The condition is chronic and can last for months or years. However, pityriasis versicolor is not contagious and does not pose a serious health risk.

Pityriasis versicolor is caused by yeast that live on normal human skin. In many cases, people with this condition have too much of the yeast on their skin. This can cause the yeast to grow out of control and lead to symptoms. People with oily skin may be more prone to pityriasis versicolor because Malassezia furfur requires oils to grow.

This condition is most common in young adults between the ages of 16 and 25 years old, especially those who are from warm or tropical climates. It also tends to affect individuals with darker complexions because they produce more natural skin oils than those with lighter complexions which further promotes the growth of the fungus on their skin..

Pityriasis versicolor is a common skin infection caused by yeast. Skin affected with pityriasis versicolor has small, discolored patches. The patches can be lighter or darker than the surrounding skin.

Pityriasis versicolor affects teenagers and young adults most often. It occurs in both men and women.

The yeast that causes pityriasis versicolor grows best in warm, moist areas of the body. It is more common in hot, humid weather. The yeast is often found on the chest and back, but it can spread all over the body.

Symptoms of pityriasis versicolor include:

– Patches of discolored skin

– White-to-pink patches that may be red or tan underneath

– Patches that are lighter than your normal skin color (hypopigmented)

– Scaly patches that resemble dandruff

– Patches that worsen in summer months when your skin produces more oil (sebum) and becomes sweaty and moist

Pityriasis versicolor is a common skin condition that causes small patches of skin to become scaly and discoloured. The patches often affect the back, chest, neck and upper arms, but can also appear on other areas of the body.

The condition is sometimes referred to as “sun spot” or “tinea versicolor”.

The skin does not usually become itchy or sore, although you may feel embarrassed by the patches.

What causes pityriasis versicolor?

Pityriasis versicolor is caused by a type of yeast that naturally lives on the skin. In some people, this yeast multiplies excessively, resulting in the characteristic rash of pityriasis versicolor.

This is more likely to happen in hot environments or when you sweat a lot. Pityriasis versicolor usually occurs in young adults and teenagers. It is rare in children and older adults.

Pityriasis versicolor is a skin condition caused by a yeast infection that results in discolored patches. The patches are usually tan, pink or red and can sometimes be white or dark brown and may appear on the back, neck, chest, shoulders and upper arms. Pityriasis versicolor is a common and harmless skin condition.

The condition is more likely to affect people who have oily skin types but it can affect anyone. In fact, pityriasis versicolor can occur anywhere on the body but tends to affect the trunk, neck, shoulders and upper arms. It most commonly occurs in young adults aged between 16 and 25 years old but can affect anyone at any age.

The yeast that causes pityriasis versicolor normally lives on healthy human skin without causing any problems. However, certain conditions such as hot humid weather or increased sweating can cause the yeast to multiply rapidly and cause an infection of the upper layer of skin (the stratum corneum). This produces discolored patches that are slightly scaly (hence the name pityriasis – which means scale-like).

Pityriasis versicolor is not an allergy and it’s not contagious so you cannot pass it on to other people by

Pityriasis versicolor is a skin condition caused by a yeast-like fungus that lives naturally on the skin. The fungus can affect people of all ages and skin types, but it is most common in adolescents and adults between the ages of 16 and 35. Pityriasis versicolor typically appears as small, discolored patches on the chest, back or neck. While not considered a serious medical condition, pityriasis versicolor can be annoying or embarrassing for some individuals.

According to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), pityriasis versicolor usually develops during the summer months when hot, humid conditions provide an ideal environment for fungal growth. Warmth and moisture allow the fungus to thrive on the skin’s surface; however, once the weather cools and humidity levels drop, the infection usually resolves itself.

In addition to hot weather, other factors may contribute to an outbreak of pityriasis versicolor, including:

• Excessive perspiration

• Oily skin

• Suppressed immune system

• Use of antibiotics or corticosteroids

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