Dermatitis Symptoms An Introduction to the Different Types of Dermatitis and Their Symptoms

Dermatitis is a general term used to describe an inflammation of the skin. There are many different types of dermatitis, with symptoms and causes that vary greatly depending on the type of dermatitis you have. All types of dermatitis can cause intense itching, redness, and tissue swelling, while some types can also cause oozing skin lesions and scaly patches.

Atopic Dermatitis is the most common form of dermatitis. It usually begins in infancy or early childhood, but it may occur in adults as well. It is often characterized by itchy patches of skin that become inflamed after being scratched. Atopic dermatitis occurs when your immune system overreacts to something that comes into contact with your skin, causing inflammation. Depending on your age, symptoms may be mild or severe.

Contact Dermatitis is a type of dermatitis that occurs when skin comes into direct contact with an irritating substance. Common irritants include detergents, soaps, cosmetics, jewelry, clothing and poison ivy/oak/sumac plants. Contact dermatitis is generally characterized by an itchy rash that appears within hours of contact with the irritating substance. Symptoms may be mild or severe depending on how sensitive you are to the irritating substance and how long you were

What is Dermatitis?

Dermatitis is a general term for skin inflammation. There are many types of dermatitis and each type has its own symptoms. The most common types of dermatitis include atopic dermatitis (eczema), contact dermatitis, and seborrheic dermatitis.

Atopic Dermatitis or Eczema

Atopic dermatitis, also known as eczema, is a skin rash that typically develops in early childhood and may continue through adolescence and adulthood. It affects between 10 and 20 percent of children, but only 2 to 5 percent of adults.

The term “dermatitis” refers to a group of skin conditions that cause the skin to swell and become irritated. The term “dermatitis” is not specific for any one particular type of dermatitis (such as contact dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, or nummular dermatitis), but rather denotes an inflammation of the skin.

There are several different types of dermatitis. The symptoms and severity of these conditions vary from person to person. However, there are some common symptoms shared by many different types of dermatitis:



Dryness and scaling


Blisters (may ooze)

In some cases, a rash may be limited to a small area of the body; however, in other cases it can cover large areas. The location and pattern of the rash can help your doctor determine the type of dermatitis you have.

The word “dermatitis” means inflammation of the skin. There are many types of dermatitis. Each has different causes, symptoms, and treatments.

Some types of dermatitis are contagious and some are not. Some are caused by allergies, while others result from direct contact with an irritating substance.

Dermatitis is often characterized by an itchy rash on swollen, reddened skin. The rash may blister, ooze, develop a crust or flake off. It may be located in only one area of the body or appear all over. Other symptoms may include swelling, burning and pain.

Common types of dermatitis include:

Atopic dermatitis (eczema) – probably inherited and usually begins in infancy or childhood; characterized by dry, itchy skin that can weep clear fluid when scratched; eczema can be triggered by a variety of things that irritate the skin or cause an allergic reaction (allergens); eczema is not contagious but can be a long-term condition that flares up periodically.

Contact dermatitis – occurs when the skin comes in contact with an allergen (such as poison ivy or nickel) or an irritant (such as bleach); contact dermatitis is not contagious; if the

What is dermatitis?

Dermatitis is a general term used to describe an inflammation of the skin. There are many different types of dermatitis. However, they all share some common features:

– Itching

– Redness

– Dry skin (sometimes)

– Painful or stinging sensation (sometimes)

– Crying or oozing (sometimes)

The symptoms of dermatitis include:

– Dry skin. This can be mild and itchy or severe and painful. Severe dry skin can crack and bleed. The dryness may be present all the time or it may come and go. Often, people with eczema have periods when their skin is very dry. Over time, the areas of dry skin may become thicker, scaly and leathery looking. This is called lichenification.

– Watery fluid from blisters (oozing). If the blisters are scratched open, the result can be a watery discharge that crusts over at night. The crusting makes the itching worse because more moisture comes into contact with the already irritated skin surface.

– Redness and swelling in patches on the skin surface. These patches can appear anywhere on your body

The word dermatitis is used to describe a number of conditions that cause red, flaky, and itchy skin. Although there are many different types of dermatitis, they all have the same general symptoms. However, the triggers of each type of dermatitis vary widely. For example, the most common type of dermatitis is atopic dermatitis, which is often triggered by allergies. Other types of dermatitis include contact dermatitis, seborrhoeic dermatitis, discoid eczema and stasis dermatitis.

Atopic Dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis is by far the most common form of eczema in children and adults. It usually begins before the age of five, but can begin later in life as well. It is a chronic inflammatory skin condition which affects between 10% and 15% of children worldwide. Children who develop this condition often suffer from allergies or asthma as well. Symptoms include redness, itching and dryness on specific areas of the body such as elbows, knees and hands. Atopic dermatitis is exacerbated by dry skin; therefore it’s important to keep skin moisturized and avoid drying soaps or detergents. This condition tends to run in families; people with a family history are more likely to develop at

Dermatitis is a general term for a skin reaction. There are several different types of dermatitis, but all feature itching and redness.

The most common type of dermatitis is atopic dermatitis (eczema). Atopic dermatitis is a chronic condition that comes and goes for the rest of your life. It’s caused by an overactive immune system. It usually begins in infancy or childhood, though it can start at any age. Atopic dermatitis commonly affects people who have allergies like hay fever or asthma, and it runs in families.

Other common types of dermatitis include:

Contact dermatitis. This occurs when skin comes into contact with an irritant substance or allergen, such as poison ivy, nickel in jewelry, or hair dye. Some people may be allergic to everyday products such as soaps, cosmetics, clothing fibers, perfumes and jewelry.

Seborrheic dermatitis. This scaly rash occurs on areas of the body that contain a large number of oil glands (such as the scalp and face). Seborrheic dermatitis is thought to be caused by a yeast that normally lives on the skin. It’s often worst in infants up to 3 months old (cradle cap) and

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