8 Factors That Increase The Risk Of Getting BCC

A Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC) is a type of skin cancer. It is one of the most common cancers in humans, and it is caused by long-term exposure to UV radiation from the sun. This type of skin cancer may develop on any part of the body, but it usually appears on areas that are frequently exposed to the sun’s rays such as the face and neck.

This type of skin cancer does not spread throughout the body, but if left untreated it can cause severe damage to tissue and bone near its point of origin. This is why it is important to seek medical attention as soon as you notice a new mole or growth on your skin that resembles a BCC.

In this blog we will look at 8 factors that increase your chances of developing this type of skin cancer:

Hereditary factors

Fair Skin

Exposure to sunlight


Radiation therapy

Weakened immune system

Acanthosis Nigricans

Ulcerated BCC

Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is the most common type of skin cancer, with over 4 million new cases diagnosed in the U.S. each year. Worldwide, the incidence of BCC may be as high as 10% of the population.

The majority of basal cell carcinomas are caused by sun exposure. In fact, 90% of all skin cancers are related to ultraviolet radiation from the sun or tanning beds. This is why you will often see basal cell carcinoma on the face, scalp, ears, neck, chest and back where these areas have been exposed to sunlight for long periods throughout their lifetime.

So what other factors play a role in causing basal cell carcinoma? Here are 8 factors that increase your risk:

Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is the most common form of skin cancer. Basal cell carcinomas can vary in appearance. They may show up as a pearly white or waxy bump, a reddish patch, or a pink growth with visible blood vessels. Most basal cell carcinomas have one or more of the following features:

*A noticeable, nonhealing indentation in the center

*An elevated border

*A rolled border

*Visible blood vessels

The growth usually develops in areas that are frequently exposed to the sun and can occur on any part of the body, but the head and neck area are most commonly affected. Although basal cell carcinoma is rarely life-threatening, it can be disfiguring if not treated promptly. The risk factors for getting BCC are as follows:

1. A history of sun exposure

2. Fair skin that freckles easily

3. Blue, green or gray eyes

4. Red or blonde hair

5. Skin that burns easily

6. A number of severe sunburns during childhood

7. A weakened immune system

8. Exposure to arsenic

A Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC) is a type of skin cancer that has the potential to become extremely aggressive if not treated correctly. This particular form of skin cancer can affect anyone at any time. However, there are factors that can increase your chances of developing this disease. These factors include:

Ultraviolet Radiation

Ultraviolet radiation from the sun or from tanning beds can do quite a bit of damage to your skin. Most people know that too much sun exposure can cause your skin to burn or turn red. What most people don’t realize is that it can also lead to certain types of skin cancer, including basal cell carcinoma. If you are exposed to UV radiation on a regular basis, then you will have an increased risk of developing BCC. This is why it’s so important to wear sunscreen and protective clothing all year long when you’re out in the sun.

Fair Skin Tone

If you have fair skin, then your risk of getting basal cell carcinoma will be higher than someone with darker skin tones. The reason for this is because those with fair skin tend to have less melanin in their skin cells which makes them more susceptible to sun damage. If you have fair skin, then it’s

Basal cell carcinoma is the most common type of skin cancer. It’s also the most treatable if found early. BCC is caused by prolonged exposure to ultraviolet light, which is why it’s so important to protect your skin from the sun. But there are other factors that can also increase your risk of developing it.

The most common form of skin cancer, basal cell carcinoma (BCC), occurs in the deepest layer of the epidermis, or outer layer of the skin. BCC often appears as a raised area with small blood vessels, a flat area that resembles a scar, or a waxy, translucent bump on the skin.

In my last blog I talked about basal cell carcinoma (BCC), a common and highly treatable form of skin cancer. To recap, skin cancer forms when your skin cells begin to grow out of control, forming a mass called a tumor. A BCC develops in the basal cells that make up the bottom layer of your epidermis, which is the top layer of your skin. It often appears as a raised round bump that may be pink or red or even white or black. It can also look like an open sore, scar or waxy patch on your skin. They are typically found on areas like your neck, head and arms that get the most sun exposure.

Although it’s not life-threatening, a BCC can cause significant damage to the area around it if left untreated. In fact, when you consider all types of skin cancers, BCC makes up about 70 percent of them – with more than 4 million cases diagnosed each year in the United States alone!

Those are some pretty alarming numbers! So let’s talk about what causes this condition so we can better understand how to prevent it from occurring in the first place.

Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is the most common type of skin cancer. It is also called “rodent ulcer” or “basal cell epithelioma.”

According to the American Cancer Society, approximately two million Americans are diagnosed with BCC each year. Most of these cases are easily treated and rarely lead to death. However, it’s still important to know the symptoms of this disease so that you can take action immediately once they appear.

The risk factors for basal cell carcinoma include:

* A fair skin type

* A tendency to burn or freckle when exposed to the sun

* A history of severe sunburns

* Blond or red hair

* Blue or green eyes

* Living in a bright light climate such as Florida, California and Australia

* Exposure to a lot of sunlight over your lifetime

* Exposure to x-rays, tar and other carcinogens

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