This blog is written with the purpose of helping to improve skin quality and reduce dryness for those suffering from atopic dermatitis. The author, who has suffered from this condition his entire life, hopes that the information provided will help to alleviate the suffering and discomfort of others.
Atopic dermatitis is a chronic itchy skin condition that is characterized by rashes on the skin. It typically begins in early childhood and can last throughout one’s lifetime if not properly treated. Atopic dermatitis is also known as atopic eczema.
The name “atopic” is derived from the Greek word “atopia” which means abnormal or out of place. This refers to the fact that this condition runs in families, although there is no evidence that it is inherited.
Atopic dermatitis is an allergic condition caused by a reaction in the immune system to an external substance that does not normally cause a reaction in most people. It usually appears as red, swollen and itchy patches on the skin. It is often worse in cold weather and during periods of stress or illness.
The most common symptoms are itching (pruritus) and rashes. These can be mild or severe depending on how much inflammation there is in the skin.
If you have atopic dermatitis, you know the itchy, scaly and sometimes painful symptoms that come with this skin condition. You’ve tried creams, lotions and other treatments to find relief.
Your doctor may have told you that there is no cure for atopic dermatitis – but that doesn’t mean you can’t take steps to improve your skin. Here are some things you can do now on your own or in partnership with your physician to relieve the dryness and irritation of atopic dermatitis:
Atopic dermatitis (also known as atopic eczema) is the most common skin condition in infants and children. Many individuals outgrow their symptoms. Others go on to develop more persistent problems, such as hand dermatitis, or even asthma and hay fever.
Although there is no cure for this condition, there are ways to manage your symptoms:
To improve your skin:
• Take a warm bath with an unscented cleanser like Cetaphil® or Aveeno®. Avoid soaps, which can dry out your skin.
• Use a heavy moisturizing cream after bathing and throughout the day (and night). Vaseline® and Aquaphor® are good choices.
• Moisturizers help seal water into your skin, but be sure to use them within three minutes of bathing for maximum benefit.
• Protect sensitive areas of your skin from rubbing and chafing by wearing soft cotton clothing.
• Keep fingernails short and avoid scratching; trim fingernails every week (or have someone else trim them). Try wearing gloves while you sleep to prevent scratching while you’re asleep.
The most common form of eczema is known as atopic dermatitis. Atopic refers to a collection of diseases with an underlying tendency to develop other allergic conditions. Eczema is a dry, itchy skin condition that affects somewhere between 15-20% of all people.
There are many over-the-counter treatments for atopic dermatitis or atopic eczema. This blog will discuss the most popular and effective treatments currently available on the market today, so that you can make an informed decision about which one might be right for you and your condition.
The first thing to know about treating eczema is that different people need different things. The key is to find what works for you and your condition, by first understanding the basics of how different treatments work. Since no two people are exactly alike, you may have to try many different things before finding the right treatment for you.
Don’t give up if the first thing you try doesn’t work!
Atopic dermatitis (AD) or atopic eczema is a disease that is commonly seen in children. AD is a chronic condition characterized by dry, itchy skin. Because of the itching and scratching, lesions develop that becomes infected and weepy. In adults, atopic dermatitis may occur on the face, neck, hands and feet. In children, atopic dermatitis often occurs on the cheeks, neck, knees and elbows. It can be very distressing to parents when this happens as young children are not able to communicate well with their parents about what is bothering them.
The following are helpful tips for managing the disease better:
1. Moisturize your skin daily with an emollient based moisturizer
2. Avoid prolonged exposure to water such as from bathing or swimming
3. Avoid excessive sweating
4. Wear gloves while doing housework or gardening
5. Maintain room temperature below 21 degrees Celsius
6. Avoid known triggers or irritants such as dust mites and pet dander
7. Avoid wearing woolen clothing and synthetic fibers next to your skin
8. Use antibacterial soap when you have an infection
Sorry to hear your child is suffering. I know what you are going through and I want to help those with this frustrating condition by sharing my experience and information with you.
I have written a detailed blog that is full of practical advice and helpful links to products that I have tried over the years.
My blog contains a lot of useful information so please read it carefully:
I hope this helps you and your child.
My son was diagnosed with atopic dermatitis at 6 months old by a pediatric dermatologist. At the time, he had it all over his face and body. We used prescription creams and oral steroids to bring it under control. I was breast feeding and he was on hypoallergenic formula but we were advised to switch him to a soy based formula which helped. We had to use the steroid for about 3 weeks until it went away, but it came back in his diaper area only. The doctor said that this is typical for an infant and that it could reappear anywhere as he got older. He recommended using a soap called Aquaphor Baby Wash & Shampoo as it would be gentle enough not to irritate his skin, but also clean his skin without drying it out. He also gave us a sample of Cetaphil Moisturizing Cream which is the best moisturizer I have found. It’s thick enough that you don’t need to use much and it keeps my son’s skin soft and moist all day long.
We’ve been using these products now for 3 years (he’s 3 1/2). Every so often he gets a bout of eczema, usually when we eat something that triggers an allergy or when he gets