Essential Oils To Cure Body Fungal Acne, Ringworm and Athlete’s Foot

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Essential Oils To Cure Body Fungal Acne, Ringworm and Athlete’s Foot:  A blog about using essential oils for bodily fungal problems.

The use of essential oils for treating skin conditions is nothing new. Many people have been using this practice for years.

In fact, before the advent of modern medicines, people relied on natural products like essential oils to treat various ailments.

Essential oils are very complex in nature as they are made of many different components. This makes it impossible to pinpoint a single component as the cause of a particular effect. It is the synergy among all these components that causes the effect.

For example, lavender oil has over 100 components! The presence of all those components makes it impossible to point out a single component that acts as an anti-fungal agent.

So you have to look at the overall composition and activity of essential oil when trying to understand its effect on fungal skin conditions.

If you are looking for a natural way to get rid of fungal acne or ringworm or athlete’s foot, then essential oils are your best bet!

I personally use tea tree oil and oregano oil quite often to cure fungal infections on my body. They are

Essential oils are a great way to treat fungal acne, ringworm, and athlete’s foot. I have had great success with this method for all of these problems. Using essential oils for skin conditions is also much more cost-effective than buying over-the-counter products.

Fungal acne (aka pityrosporum folliculitis) is a condition that appears as clusters of small, itchy, red bumps on the skin. It usually appears on the back, chest, arms and neck. Sometimes it can appear on the face. It is caused by a yeast infection in the hair follicles. Often people mistake fungal acne for body acne or regular acne.

Ringworm is also a type of fungus that can appear anywhere on the body including the face, scalp, nails and feet. Ringworm often appears as scaly red spots or blisters that form rings around them. Ringworm is contagious so it’s important to treat it quickly and effectively before it spreads to other parts of your body or others you come into contact with.

Athlete’s foot is also a fungal infection that occurs on the feet. It often appears as dry scaly patches between the toes or anywhere on your feet. Often

Essential oils can be used to treat fungal acne, ringworm and athlete’s foot. But which ones work best? In this blog post, I’m going to explore the anti-fungal properties of essential oils, and how to use them.

Essential oils are the volatile portions of a plant that are usually distilled for their therapeutic properties. Essential oils are not really oil, but a water soluble substance that is extracted from the plant material.

Essential oils make up about 4% of the plant material they come from, and they’re derived by distillation or expression (like citrus peel).

The process of getting essential oil out of plants is called steam distillation, which is basically boiling the plant material until it releases vapors that can be condensed into liquid form. The result is an oil that smells like whatever plant it came from. It is this smell that makes essential oils so useful for aromatherapy purposes.

Essential oils also have anti-fungal properties making them very useful in skincare products as well.

If you have ever had a red bumpy rash that itches, and it seems to spread, you may have had ringworm. Ringworm is a fungal infection of the skin. It is called ringworm because of the circular shape it makes as it spreads out on your skin. People can get ringworm from infected pets, or sharing towels or other personal items with someone who has the infection. Ringworm can also be contracted by walking barefoot in public places such as locker rooms, pools and showers.

If you suspect that you have ringworm, see your doctor for treatment. You will need to apply antifungal ointment or cream to the affected area several times per day for at least two weeks. 

If you do not want to use pharmaceuticals, there are effective essential oils for curing ringworm and other fungal infections that can be used instead. Several essential oils have anti-fungal properties. These include Cinnamon Bark Oil (have heard good things about this one), Clove Oil and Tea Tree Oil. Essential oils containing these anti-fungals can be used directly on the skin to treat fungal infections such as ringworm, jock itch and athlete’s foot, without adverse side effects.


Fungal acne is not really acne. It is a yeast infection of the skin which looks similar to acne but it is a different thing entirely. A fungus called Pityrosporum ovale or Malassezia furfur causes this condition.

This problem may affect healthy people as well as the ones with weakened immune systems. If you have ever suffered from ringworm and athlete’s foot, chances are, you will be affected by fungal acne at some point in your life.

It usually appears on the back, chest, shoulders, thighs and buttocks. It can also affect your scalp and cause dandruff and hair loss.

Some symptoms of fungal acne include:

Itchy red bumps which look like pimples

Itching and burning 

Dry red skin

Possible hair loss

If you think you might have fungal acne, please visit your doctor for a proper diagnosis before trying to treat it yourself. Although the symptoms are the same as regular acne, the treatment is entirely different!

Fungal acne is not acne at all, but rather a form of pityrosporum folliculitis. This unfortunate term refers to an infection of the hair follicles with pityrosporum yeast. In pityrosporum folliculitis, the rash is typically on the upper arms, chest and back where there are more sebaceous glands. It can also occur on the face, however it tends not to be as inflamed and red as acne vulgaris.

Pityrosporum folliculitis can be difficult to distinguish from acne vulgaris (especially in its early stages), so if you suspect you may have fungal acne, see a dermatologist for proper diagnosis. It is important to note that the treatment for fungal acne is different from that of acne vulgaris, and therefore it is critical to seek proper treatment from your doctor.

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