For years, scientists have insisted that food reactions are rare. But a new study reveals that adverse reactions to food are actually twice as common as experts previously believed. And this means that many of you could be suffering from food sensitivities and not even know it.
If you have the following symptoms — bloating, fatigue, weight gain, digestive problems, brain fog: you could be reacting to your favorite foods and drinks.
Five Foods Your Body Hates is here to help you figure out what foods are affecting you so you can improve your health and lose weight for good.
I’m Dr. Mark Hyman, a physician who specializes in functional medicine and the author of NY Times bestseller The Blood Sugar Solution 10-Day Detox Diet. I’m going to get to the bottom of your food sensitivities and show you how to heal your body from the inside out.
The typical American diet is packed with foods that can cause a number of health problems, including high blood pressure and diabetes. There’s no doubt that such foods should be avoided, but many people aren’t aware that there are also many seemingly healthy foods that can have a negative impact on your health. Here are five foods your body hates.
Sugar is so bad for you that it’s hard to know where to start. Sugar spikes blood glucose levels and, if eaten in excess, can lead to insulin resistance and diabetes. Sugar causes dental cavities and has been linked to chronic conditions like cancer. Sugar is addictive, it disrupts mood and learning, and it makes you fat (1). Refined sugar has no beneficial nutrients and has been stripped of any beneficial fiber content that might slow down its absorption into the bloodstream (2).
Gluten intolerance is becoming increasingly recognized as a common food sensitivity, but even people who do not meet the diagnostic criteria for celiac disease can sometimes experience negative symptoms when they eat gluten-containing grains (3). Gluten has been linked to inflammation in the gut, a leaky gut, bloating, fatigue and brain fog. Try eliminating gluten from your diet for 2-3 weeks then reintroducing small amounts
There are five foods your body hates and you should avoid them.
A food sensitivity is when the body has trouble digesting a particular food. This can be for a variety of reasons, but most often it’s because the body cannot process the food into energy, or because the food irritates the gut. Food sensitivities are different than allergies in that they are not life-threatening, and generally do not produce an immediate reaction (although sometimes they can). However, they still have a negative impact on your health. For example, if you are sensitive to wheat, you may experience joint pain, brain fog, or fatigue after consuming it. These symptoms may not appear right away, or even every time you eat wheat.
However, just because these symptoms aren’t life-threatening doesn’t mean they’re not serious. If you suffer from headaches after eating dairy products every time you eat them, this is a problem that needs to be addressed. People with food sensitivities may also experience weight gain and bloating as a result of their insensitivity.
So what foods do people tend to be sensitive to? The following foods are among the most common offenders:
This article is about the top 5 foods that you probably eat every day that your body hates. Does it seem like certain foods make you feel bloated, tired, achy, or gassy? Some people have food sensitivities and don’t even know it. One in three people are actually sensitive to the foods they eat. The good news is that there is a simple test to find out which foods you have a sensitivity to and then eliminate them from your diet.
The top 5 foods that I will discuss are: gluten, eggs, dairy, soy, and corn. Take a look at these common foods and see if you can identify with some of these symptoms below:
1.) Bloating/ Gas/ Constipation/ Diarrhea
2.) Brain Fog/ Fatigue/ Insomnia
3.) Joint Pain
4.) Skin Rash/ Eczema/ Hives
5.) Sinus Congestion/ Headaches/ Migraines
6.) Autoimmune Disease
7.) Depression/ Anxiety
8.) Weight Gain
If you’re like most people, you probably eat too much food that your body hates. When you eat something that your body doesn’t recognize as food, it treats it like a foreign invader. This causes an inflammatory response and can lead to a wide range of health issues.
Many people are sensitive to gluten, dairy, and sugar, but there are many other common food sensitivities that can cause inflammation in the body. In this article I’ll cover five foods that your body may be sensitive to.
1. Eggs
Eggs contain a protein compound called “avidin” which binds to biotin (a B vitamin) and prevents its absorption in the bloodstream. Biotin is essential for carbohydrate metabolism and healthy skin, nails and hair. If you have low biotin levels you may experience fatigue and skin rashes.
2. Grains
Some people have a sensitivity to grains such as wheat, corn, oats, barley and rye. Grains contain proteins called “lectins” which can trigger an immune reaction in the gut if you’re sensitive to them. Lectins also inhibit nutrient absorption from other foods that you eat at the same time (e.g., vitamins A and D). The lectin problem is made worse by a lack of
As someone who writes a blog about food sensitivities, I’m often asked what the worst foods are for inflammation and other symptoms. You’d think it would be easy to pinpoint the most offensive foods, and I could write a blog post about it and call it a day. But in reality, there is no one food that causes all problems because everyone has different sensitivities. Some people are sensitive to garlic but tolerate onions just fine; some people are sensitive to potatoes but can eat sweet potatoes; some people react to both. So again, I try to explain that there isn’t one food that causes all problems because everyone has different sensitivities.
The only exception is gluten. Unless you have celiac disease, gluten is likely not causing any issues for you (I’ll get into more detail on this later). It also seems that dairy is often the second most problematic food, followed by eggs (for those with egg allergies), corn and gluten-free grains such as brown rice and quinoa (more on this below), soy, nightshades (potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant), citrus fruits and juices, certain nuts like cashews or pistachios (those with tree nut allergies), and certain seeds like sesame
Last week, I talked about the difference between food allergies, food sensitivities, and intolerance. This week, I want to talk about the differences between intolerances and sensitivities.
Food sensitivities are tricky in that they can have a delayed or chronic reaction compared to the reaction of an allergy. With a sensitivity, you may not notice anything right away, but you may notice reactions throughout the day or over a period of time (even days).
To give an example of how this could work, let’s say you have a food sensitivity to wheat. You eat some bread at breakfast and don’t notice any symptoms immediately. However, later in the day you notice that your energy is low and you feel slightly nauseous, but you’re not sure why. You eat another meal with more wheat products later on but don’t notice much else until it’s time for bed. Then you wake up in the middle of the night with severe stomach pains and diarrhea.
Since there was no immediate reaction after eating wheat at breakfast, it would be easy to assume that your body is fine with wheat and that something else caused your stomach upset. But if you ate a lot of wheat that day, chances are that’s what caused your problems.