Stretch Marks and Acne: A Collision of Two Skin Conditions: a blog about skin issues and how they are related to one another.
Stretch marks and acne are two different conditions that affect millions of people every year. Though these conditions can be seen as completely separate, they can actually have a very close relationship to one another. Here’s what you need to know about these two conditions, what causes them, and where you can find the best acne treatment and stretch mark removal cream for your needs.
Stretch Marks
Stretch marks are thin lines that form in the middle layer of skin, called the dermis. They usually form when the body expands or grows at a rapid rate. Stretch marks first appear as red or purple lines on the skin, which later fade to a shiny silver color. While stretch marks themselves aren’t painful, they can cause self-esteem issues in people who suffer from them.
Common Causes of Stretch Marks
Rapid weight gain/weight loss
Growth spurts during puberty
Corticosteroids (steroids) – used to treat conditions such as asthma or arthritis and may cause the body to grow at an abnormally fast rate
Acne is a skin condition that causes pimples to
Stretch Marks & Acne: A Collision of Two Skin Conditions
Posted on June 11, 2016 by admin
Stretch marks and acne are two conditions that have a lot in common. They both have to do with the skin and they can both be very irritating. I don’t know about you, but I’ve had my share of stretch marks and my share of acne, too. So I wanted to write something about what is going on in your body when you get these conditions and how to treat them.
Stretch Marks
What Are Stretch Marks?
So what exactly are stretch marks? Stretch marks happen when your skin has been stretched beyond its natural capacity. This could be because of growth spurts during puberty or it could be because you gained weight quickly or lost weight quickly. The medical term for stretch marks is striae which means “a stroke or line.” Not all stretch marks look alike, though; some are long and thin and some are shaped like craters. There are many things that can cause stretch marks to pop up all over your body, including gaining and losing weight quickly, being pregnant, having different kinds of skin diseases or from certain kinds of drugs such as corticosteroids. If you have stretch marks that cover
Stretch Marks and Acne: A Collision of Two Skin Conditions
Stretch marks are one of the most common skin conditions that people suffer from. It is not unusual for stretch marks to occur on a person’s body at some point during his or her lifetime. The condition can be caused by a number of different reasons, including puberty, sudden weight gain or loss and pregnancy. While the condition is extremely common, there is no cure for it. Unfortunately, this means that it is difficult to completely prevent stretch marks from occurring in some people.
While there are many causes for stretch marks, one of the most common causes is an increase in hormones during puberty. This can cause a person to experience sudden weight gain or loss, which can lead to stretch marks developing on their body. Another possible cause of stretch marks is pregnancy. When a woman becomes pregnant, her body produces large amounts of estrogen and progesterone. These hormones can cause the skin to become more elastic than normal and become prone to the development of stretch marks. The best way to prevent stretch marks when you are pregnant is to avoid gaining too much weight during your pregnancy. If you do gain a lot of weight during your pregnancy, it will make it more difficult for you to get rid of your stretch marks once
Stretch marks and acne are two of the most common skin concerns that people deal with. It’s almost like these two skin conditions collide in a way that leaves you wondering if there is a connection between stretch marks and acne.
Stretch Marks
Stretch marks are caused by rapid weight gain or loss, which means they can affect both men and women. The sudden change in weight causes your skin to expand faster than it can grow, resulting in small tears beneath the surface. At first, the marks appear as raised, red lines, but once your skin begins to heal, they flatten out to an off-color hue of pink or purple. Stretch marks are more commonly found on the abdomen, although they can also appear on the buttocks, thighs and breasts. Most stretch marks fade over time, but some will remain forever.
Acne is when your pores become clogged, resulting in pimples or cysts appearing on your face or body. While most people associate acne with puberty and adolescence, anyone can develop acne at any age. Acne occurs when sebum—an oily substance produced by oil glands—and dead skin cells block hair follicles. People who have acne may also develop whiteheads, blackheads or pimples. Acne is most
Acne and stretch marks can be painful and annoying, but when they collide the results are even more painful. Stretch marks are formed when skin expands due to weight gain or pregnancy and then shrinks back after the fact. As the skin stretches and then shrinks back it begins to form small tears in the dermis layer of the skin. These tears become visible on the surface as red or purple marks that fade over time and become silvery white.
Acne occurs when oil becomes trapped within hair follicles and causes red, inflamed pimples, or cysts. Hormones play a major role in both conditions, so teenage girls who are prone to acne breakouts may also be more likely to experience stretch marks during puberty.
People whose parents had stretch marks are more likely to develop them, although this is not a guarantee that you will get them too. It is also believed that women who have experienced a rapid weight gain or loss are more prone to this condition as well as women who smoke cigarettes. Although it may seem strange for an individual to contract both conditions simultaneously, it is possible because of the hormonal changes that occur during puberty, pregnancy, and menopause that can trigger acne outbr
Acne and stretch marks may seem like they have nothing in common. But, both conditions are essentially forms of scarring and can occur simultaneously.
Acne scars have long been a concern for many people who experience the condition. Stretch marks may not seem as obvious of a condition to be concerned with; however, stretch marks are essentially scars that form when the skin is stretched too quickly, leading to small tears in the dermis layer of the skin.
Stretch marks often occur during pregnancy or puberty due to rapid changes in weight or growth. They can also be caused by hormonal changes such as those that occur during menopause. The sudden stretching of the skin leads to small tears in the dermis, which results in stretch marks forming on different areas of the body where there is rapid growth or weight gain such as on the breasts, thighs, hips, buttocks, and abdomen.
Acne scars can form when acne is not treated properly and becomes inflamed. Acne scars also form deep within your skin and become more noticeable after some time has passed. When acne heals it leaves behind scars that look like small indentations in your face. These scars are called atrophic scars and are typically indented because collagen has been lost from the area where acne occurred.
What are stretch marks?
Stretch marks are a form of scarring that occurs when sudden growth or rapid weight gain stretches the skin. Stretch marks appear as pink or red streaks, which fade to white or silver and are most often found on the thighs, buttocks, hips and abdomen. Stretch marks can occur from various reasons such as pregnancy, growth spurts in adolescents and fast weight gain. Stretch marks occur when the skin is stretched too quickly for it to grow at its normal rate. A hormone called cortisone, released during times of stress, can also cause stretch marks by weakening the collagen in the skin.