5 Common Acne Myths That You Should Never Believe Again

Acne is a condition that affects the skin and it is quite common in teenagers. Acne is not a serious health threat, but it can cause scars if left untreated. There are many myths surrounding acne and these myths prevent people from getting the right treatment. Listed below are five common acne myths that you should never believe again.

Myth 1: Pimples Are Caused by Dirty Skin

This is not true. Pimples are caused by clogged pores, not dirty skin. Washing your face more often won’t prevent blackheads or pimples from occurring. You should wash your face twice a day with mild soap and warm water to keep your face clean. This will remove dirt, oil and dead skin cells from your face, which may clog the pores and cause pimples.

With all the misinformation out there, it’s no wonder there’s a lot of confusion surrounding acne. One of the most popular myths is that acne is caused by poor hygiene or eating oily foods. But neither is true!

In fact, people with acne are more likely to have clean skin and eat healthy diets than most people. So what really causes acne?

Acne is actually caused by factors completely beyond your control: Hormones, age and genetics. But there are several habits that can make your acne worse. Here are five common acne myths you shouldn’t believe anymore:

Here are 5 common myths that you should never believe again.


Acne is one of the most common skin diseases. While it can be treated, it can also be persistent and difficult to get rid of. Many people have grown tired of their acne and are constantly looking for new solutions. This is why there are so many myths about acne. Here are five of those myths.


The best way to get rid of acne is by following these five simple steps:

1. Drink lots of water.

2. Avoid touching your face.

3. Use an oil-free moisturizer.

4. Avoid oily and greasy foods.

5. Wash off makeup before going to bed.

I was talking to a friend of mine who has been suffering from acne for some time now. She is bothered by it and says she would love to get rid of it, but is not sure what to do and is confused by the information available on the net.

This is not an uncommon problem. A lot of people have this issue and there are many sources making contradictory claims about acne.

So which information can you really trust? And which information should you ignore?

I have been researching acne and skin care for over 10 years now, so I am going to show you 5 common acne myths that simply aren’t true, so that you have the correct information. Let’s look at these myths now…


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