5 Mistakes You’re Making When Treating Acne

It’s that time of year again: the air is getting crisp, the sweaters are getting cozier, and your skin is nothing short of a sad disaster. If you’re prone to acne and breakouts, then you know how much a serious bummer they can be during the best of times, let alone during the holidays.

We’ve all made mistakes when it comes to our skin care routines. But here are 5 of the most common ones. Check them out below, along with tips on how to treat them:

Acne Mistake

Whether you get a big pimple overnight or are dealing with small breakouts over the long haul, here are 5 common mistakes you’re making when it comes to treating acne.

1. You only treat active acne.

2. You think all acne is created equal.

3. You use too many exfoliants at once.

4. You pick your blemishes.

5. You don’t use SPF daily.

Whether you’re a teenager suffering from occasional breakouts or an adult who’s never found freedom from acne, chances are you’ve made some mistakes in treating your skin.

Here are five of the top mistakes people make when dealing with acne and how to treat them.

Not Exfoliating Often Enough

When you have acne, it’s important to use an exfoliant to remove dead skin cells that can clog pores and lead to breakouts. Acne products like salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide help unclog pores and prevent new acne-causing bacteria from forming. But they can also be drying, especially when used daily. If you only exfoliate once a week, your skin won’t have time to recover from the drying effects of these products.

Exfoliating too often can also cause irritation and dryness. Try exfoliating two or three times a week with an over-the-counter product containing salicylic acid at a concentration of 0.5 percent to 2 percent, or benzoyl peroxide at a concentration of 5 percent. Exfoliating more often than three times a week may irritate your skin and make acne worse.

If you find these products too irritating, try applying an over-the

Acne is the most common skin condition in the US. It affects over 50 million Americans per year, many of whom don’t know how to treat it properly. This article discusses common acne mistakes, along with tips on how to treat them.

1. Skipping The Cleanser

“Cleansers are more than just a bar of soap you rub all over your face for 15 seconds,” says Dr. Susan Bard, a board-certified dermatologist at Vive Dermatology in Brooklyn, New York. “They’re formulated to really help get rid of excess oil and dirt from the day.” That said, many cleansers are too harsh, which is why it’s important to find one that won’t strip your face of its natural oils (the same ones that keep your face moisturized).

Dr. Bard suggests using Neutrogena Oil-Free Acne Wash for sensitive skin as it contains salicylic acid and microclear technology that gently cleanse and exfoliate your skin without irritating or drying it out. Just be sure to rinse thoroughly after washing with lukewarm water—not hot water. “Hot water can actually dry out your skin,” Dr. Bard says.

2) Popping Pimples The Wrong Way


You’re treating acne incorrectly.

Whether it’s acne scars, cystic acne, hormonal acne, or any other kind, we all want to get rid of it. But the first step is knowing the ins and outs of how to treat it properly. To clear up the confusion around common acne misconceptions, we got advice from top derms on how to treat acne. From over-the-counter products to at-home devices (and everything in between), here are the five most common mistakes you could be making when treating acne.

Mistake 1: You’re using a cleanser that’s too harsh

Most women know that a good face wash can help keep your skin clean and clear. But many people use the wrong cleanser for their skin type, which can make matters worse. “A lot of women tell me they’re using really harsh cleansers because they think it’s going to get rid of their acne,” says Dr. Bowe. “It’s actually doing just the opposite.”

Here’s why: When you wash your face, you strip away its natural oils and disrupt your skin barrier, which can lead to increased oil production and irritation—two things you certainly don’t want if you have breakouts! Instead of grabbing a tub of sal

It’s easy to make mistakes when treating acne. That’s because not all acne is the same, and there are a lot of factors that can affect your treatment. Even the most basic practices, such as washing your face and applying medication, can be done incorrectly. It’s not that you’re making these mistakes on purpose; but they are messing up your skin situation.

To find out what these common mistakes are, I spoke with Joshua Zeichner, MD, a New York City-based dermatologist. He broke down five of the most common ones based on patient feedback from his practice. Of course, this isn’t medical advice (and you should always seek out a board-certified dermatologist for advice), but it’s still helpful to know what you might be doing wrong when it comes to treating your acne.

Whether you’re dealing with a breakout or looking to prevent one, dermatologists are here to help. Here’s why and how you should incorporate them into your skin-care routine.

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