Do you have scabies? Here’s how to treat it

Scabies is an itchy rash caused by a mite. Scabies is a common and contagious skin condition that causes intense itching and small, red bumps and blisters due to allergic reactions. The most common scabies symptoms are severe itching and a pimple-like skin rash. The scabies rash can be very contagious, spreading easily from one person to another.

Scabies can affect people of all ages, genders, and races. In fact, over 300 million cases of scabies occur worldwide every year. It’s not uncommon for multiple members of the same household to contract scabies at the same time.

Many people with scabies experience intense itching and have trouble sleeping due to the discomfort. While there’s no cure for scabies in humans, there are several effective treatment options available.

Scabies is an itchy, highly contagious skin disease caused by tiny mites that burrow into your skin. Scabies affects people of all ages, races and socioeconomic levels and occurs worldwide. Although scabies is easily treated, quick diagnosis and treatment are important to prevent the infestation from spreading.

Signs and symptoms of scabies

You might have scabies. You’d like to treat it. But how do you know if you have scabies? And even if you do, what is the best treatment for scabies? This blog will help you answer these questions.

How do I know if I have scabies? Scabies is characterized by intense itching, especially at night, and a pimple-like skin rash that starts between your fingers and spreads to other parts of your body. If you are concerned that you might have scabies, your doctor can examine your skin and take a scraping of your rash to identify the mites under a microscope.

What is the best treatment for scabies? The safest, most effective over-the-counter topical treatment for scabies is permethrin cream 5%. However, there are some precautions that need to be taken when using this otc product:

1) Permethrin 5% should not be used on infants younger than 2 months old.

2) Permethrin cream should not be used on broken skin or open wounds, as this can result in severe chemical burns.

3) Permethrin should not be used in or near eyes and mouth.

4) Permethrin should not be used in nose

Scabies is a skin condition caused by a mite that burrows under the surface of your skin. Also known as sarcoptic mange or scabies itch, this disease is highly contagious and spreads easily from person to person. It has no relation with hygiene or cleanliness.

Although anyone can get scabies, it’s more common among children and people who live in crowded conditions where there is frequent skin-to-skin contact between people, such as nursing homes and prisons. The mite responsible for causing scabies is far too small to see without a microscope.

Scabies can cause severe itchiness.You might also notice burrows on the surface of your skin. Burrows are tiny, raised lines that look like small pimples filled with dirt. Those burrows are actually the pathways created by the female mite as she burrows through your skin to lay eggs and produce more mites. Scabies infestation tends to be most severe on the:

• Hands

• Elbows

• Armpits

• Wrists

• Waist

• Between the fingers

• Knees

• Genitals

• Sole of feet and toes

1. Take a bath or shower and wash your body with soap.

2. Dry completely and put on clean clothes.

3. Wash all clothes, towels, and bed linens in hot water and dry in a hot dryer for at least 20 minutes.

4. Use insecticide spray on mattresses, furniture, and carpeting (if safe to use). If using a fogger or bug bomb, only use one per room (not one per mattress!) and follow the directions on the package carefully.

5. Mites can live up to 72 hours off the body so thorough cleaning is necessary!

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