Pityriasis Versicolor Here’s What You Need To Know About This Skin Condition

What is pityriasis versicolor?

Pityriasis versicolor, also known as tinea versicolor, is a common skin condition caused by an overgrowth of yeast. It’s called pityriasis because the skin rash looks as though it has been dusted with flour (pityriasis means “bran-like” in Greek). It’s also called tinea versicolor because it’s a type of fungal infection that affects the pigment of your skin.

This condition can affect people of any age anywhere on their body, but it usually affects teenagers and young adults aged 16 to 35 years. The rash is more common in hot, humid climates and more likely to affect people with oily skin.

What are the symptoms?

Pityriasis versicolor usually causes patches of discolored skin. These patches may be:

redder or paler than the surrounding skin

scaly or flaky

dry or greasy to touch

Pityriasis versicolor is a common skin condition which causes scaly patches of skin to appear. It’s also known as tinea versicolor. The patches can be of different colours and usually develop on the back, chest, neck or upper arms.

Pityriasis versicolor is caused by a yeast infection on the skin, which is harmless. The yeast that causes the condition lives naturally on our skin but sometimes it multiplies more than usual and causes symptoms to develop.

The condition can affect people of any age but it’s most common in teenagers and young adults. It’s most common in hot countries or during hot weather because the yeast thrives in warm, humid conditions. You’re also at increased risk if you have oily skin, a weakened immune system or hormonal problems like hyperthyroidism.

It usually starts with small pinkish-brown spots that gradually get bigger and become lighter in colour as they spread across your skin. They usually don’t cause any other symptoms but they may be itchy.

Most cases of pityriasis versicolor are mild and don’t need treatment, but it may take months or years for your natural skin colour to return after the

Pityriasis versicolor is a skin condition that affects the upper body and neck. It is caused by yeast found naturally on the body.

Pityriasis versicolor can cause:

– pink or brown patches of skin, usually on the chest, back or shoulders

– patches that may be scaly and dry

The patches often get worse in hot weather.

Pityriasis versicolor can be treated with antifungal creams, lotions or shampoos.

Pityriasis Versicolor is a yeast infection that affects the skin. It causes small, discoloured patches on your skin which are either white, pink, red or brown. The patches could be dry and scaly or oily. They may also itch.

The condition is not contagious but it’s common in teenagers and young adults. It usually affects the upper back, neck and chest but it can also affect the shoulders and upper arms too. The severity of the condition is different for everyone.

Some people have no symptoms while others may have large areas of discoloured skin. Many have just a few small patches of discoloured skin that don’t cause them any problems.

Some cases disappear without treatment. Others may last for months or even years before going away on their own.

Pityriasis versicolor (PV), also known as tinea versicolor, is a type of skin condition that can affect anyone. It is a chronic and mild yeast infection caused by Malassezia furfur, an organism that lives on the surface of the skin.

It is a common, benign skin disease that affects adolescents and young adults. It commonly occurs in females from 20 to 40 years old. The fungal infection causes discoloration of the skin and hyper- or hypopigmentation. The discolored patches can range from pink to brown or white to red, with sharp edges and a fine scale.

It is not contagious but it can cause discomfort and embarrassment if it occurs on visible parts of the body. The condition can be treated with topical antifungal products such as clotrimazole, ketoconazole, or selenium sulfide.

Actinic keratosis is a pre-cancerous condition of the skin. It is usually caused by skin damage from long-term exposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun or tanning beds. The condition can also be caused by certain medical conditions that make the skin very sensitive to sunlight.

Actinic keratosis is not cancer, but there is a chance that it may turn into cancer. That chance depends on many factors, including where it appears on your body and how many spots you have.

Actinic keratosis usually grows slowly and can vary in size and shape. Most spots are less than 1 inch across, but some grow larger than that. They may appear as rough, dry patches with a scaly surface. They are often pink, red, brown or flesh-colored, although they sometimes become darker. Some spots may feel tender or itch when touched.

You may have only one spot or you may have several at a time. They are most common on areas of skin that get frequent sun exposure such as the face, ears, backs of hands, forearms and neck. In people who work outdoors for long periods of time and people who live in sunny climates like Florida and Arizona, actinic keratoses are more common on other areas including

Actinic keratosis (AK) is a skin condition caused by UV light exposure. AKs are usually pink, red or brown scaly patches on the top layer of the skin. While they are not cancerous, AKs are considered precancerous and can develop into squamous cell carcinoma. Nearly half a million people in the United States are diagnosed with this condition every year.


AKs are caused by prolonged exposure to UV light, especially from the sun. Most people with AKs have fair or light skin and spend a great deal of time outdoors. This can include working outside, spending summers at the beach or living in sunny climates. Most people who get AKs have had multiple sunburns in their youth that have damaged their skin over time.

Anyone can develop actinic keratosis, but some people have higher risks than others:

People who live in tropical climates

People who work outdoors for long periods of time

People who have fair skin or light hair

People with a weakened immune system

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