symptoms, causes, and treatments to get rid of it

Seborrheic dermatitis is a skin condition that can cause a red and itchy rash, crusting, and scale. It can also cause flaking of the skin. Seborrheic dermatitis is also called dandruff, seborrheic eczema, or seborrheic psoriasis.

The exact cause of seborrheic dermatitis is unknown. It may be due to overgrowth of or an allergic reaction to yeast (Malassezia) on the skin surface. This yeast normally lives in the oil secretions on the skin surface. The yeast contributes to inflammation in people who are predisposed to develop seborrheic dermatitis.

The condition usually begins in teen years or early adulthood and continues through middle age. The symptoms may come and go throughout a lifetime. It is most common in men, but women can get it as well.*

Seborrheic dermatitis is a common skin condition that looks like dandruff. It can occur on the scalp, face, and body. Although seborrheic dermatitis has no cure, it is easy to manage with treatment.

What are the symptoms?

The most common symptom of seborrheic dermatitis is flaky, white to yellowish scales or patches that form on oily areas such as the scalp, face, or inside the ear. Sometimes these patches will appear reddened or inflamed.

In infants, seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp is known as cradle cap. Cradle cap causes thick, yellow scales or crust on the scalp. The rash may also spread to the forehead, the back of the neck, or behind the ears. Cradle cap usually doesn’t bother baby and doesn’t need treatment unless it’s severe. In teens and adults, seborrheic dermatitis usually causes redness and flakiness on the skin above your eyebrows and along your hairline (in addition to other places). This can be mistaken for dandruff.

What causes it?

Seborrheic dermatitis is caused by a yeast-like fungus called Malassezia (say

Seborrheic dermatitis is a chronic inflammatory skin disorder that is common in infants, adolescents, and adults. It is characterized by redness, itching, flaking, scaling, and greasiness of the affected areas of the skin (e.g., scalp). Seborrheic dermatitis is also called seborrhea or sebopsoriasis.

Seborrheic dermatitis is a common inflammatory skin condition that affects the scalp and face. It is most prevalent in people who are middle-aged or elderly. Infants can also develop seborrheic dermatitis on the face and scalp.

The symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis are itching and scaling of the skin on the scalp, forehead, nose, crease behind the ears, eyebrows, eyelids, chest and groin area. The scales are yellowish-white in color and may come off easily when they are rubbed or scratched. In infants with cradle cap (seborrheic dermatitis on the head), there may be yellowish crusts on the scalp that often are associated with redness of the skin underneath. Scaling of the skin on other parts of the body tends to be white in color and not easy to remove by rubbing

If you have red, itchy, flaky skin on your scalp, then you might have Seborrheic Dermatitis.

Seborrheic Dermatitis is a chronic inflammatory skin condition that affects areas of the body that are rich in oil glands. These areas include the scalp, eyebrows, face, and chest. Seborrheic dermatitis is also known as dandruff.

It is not fully understood what causes seborrheic dermatitis, but it is believed to be related to an overgrowth of yeast called malassezia. Malassezia lives on the scalps of most adults. For some reason though, in people with seborrheic dermatitis this yeast grows out of control and causes irritation and inflammation on the scalp. The excess growth of this yeast is linked to excess oil production so people with oily hair and skin are more likely to suffer from seborrheic dermatitis.

Some other things that can trigger seborrheic dermatitis include stress, cold weather, hormonal changes (i.e., puberty or menopause) and illness such as AIDS or Parkinson’s disease.

Seborrheic dermatitis is a common, chronic condition that occurs in areas of the body where there are a lot of oil-producing (sebaceous) glands like the upper back, nose and scalp. It usually causes redness, a rash made up of red, scaly patches and white or yellowish crusty flakes of skin.

There are two common types of seborrheic dermatitis:

1. Chronic seborrheic dermatitis. This is also called dandruff (when on the scalp). Symptoms tend to be milder.

2. Seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp. This is also called cradle cap in infants and seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp in adults. Symptoms tend to be more severe than with chronic seborrhea.

The cause is unknown but it may be related to an excessive growth of yeast on the skin, altered immune system function, stress, cold and dry weather and infrequent shampooing.

Treatment includes medicated shampoos, creams and lotions.

You can easily get rid of seborrheic dermatitis on the scalp, face, or in other parts of your body. This guide is written by a dermatologist who has had years of experience treating seborrheic dermatitis.

Seborrheic dermatitis is a skin disorder that causes flaky, dry, oily skin and redness. It can also cause dandruff and/or yellowish, oily scales on the scalp (dandruff).

Seborrheic dermatitis can be caused by several factors. One is an overgrowth of yeast (malassezia), which lives on the skin. Seborrheic dermatitis may also be caused by bacteria in sebum (the oil produced by the skin) and other factors such as stress, cold weather, and sun exposure.

The following are common symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis:

* Dry skin

* Flaking or scaling of the skin

* Redness

* Oily skin that feels greasy to the touch

* Itching or burning sensation

Seborrheic dermatitis is an inflammatory skin condition. It causes flaky, white to yellowish scales to form on oily areas such as the scalp, face, or inside the ear. The flakes can appear yellow and greasy. Seborrheic dermatitis is a common condition that mainly affects the scalp. For some people, seborrheic dermatitis on the scalp can lead to temporary hair loss. This can be upsetting, but it’s usually not permanent.

When seborrheic dermatitis affects other areas of the body, it’s called dandruff (seborrheic eczema). Dandruff causes dry, white or grayish-yellow flakes of dead skin to appear on your hair, eyebrows, beard or mustache, or clothes.

It’s normal to shed some dead skin cells from your scalp. But with seborrheic dermatitis you shed 10 times more than normal.

The flaking caused by seborrheic dermatitis is sometimes confused with psoriasis because of the thick scales that develop in both conditions and their tendency to occur on the same body sites.

However, psoriasis is most often characterized by silvery scales and red plaques of raised

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