This is Why You Have Eczema. Now what? 12 Ways to Treat It

This is Why You Have Eczema. Now what?

12 Ways to Treat It

This is Why You Have Eczema. Now what?

If you have eczema, or suspect you might, your first step should be to see a doctor who specializes in skin disorders (dermatologist). A dermatologist can help determine if you have eczema by evaluating your symptoms and by examining your skin. [1]

Your doctor will also ask about any other medical conditions and if there is a family history of eczema, allergies, or asthma. The more information you can provide the better. For example, if you are prone to itching your skin when it becomes irritated, tell your doctor. If there are particular times when the itching is worse or specific triggers that make it flare up, let her know. Knowing these details will help her determine what type of eczema you have and how best to treat it.

There are three main types of eczema. They are: atopic dermatitis (continuous skin inflammation), allergic contact dermatitis (rashes that appear after exposure to certain substances), and irritant contact dermatitis (rashes caused when the skin comes into contact with certain substances that irritate it). [2]

As a child, I had severe eczema. My parents tried every ointment, potion and lotion the pediatrician prescribed. And even though each medicated salve helped a little, my eczema always came back. I was miserable.

As an adult, I still get eczema on my hands in cold weather or when my skin is dry. But since I’ve learned how to treat it properly, my eczema rarely flares up these days.

To help you deal with yours, here are 12 ways to treat your eczema:

1. Moisturize your skin immediately after bathing. When you get out of the bath or shower, pat yourself dry and apply moisturizer within five minutes. This helps your skin retain its natural moisture.

2. Choose gentle cleansers and moisturizers for sensitive skin. Soaps and detergents can dry out your skin and make your symptoms worse. Use mild soaps and cleansers instead of regular ones, like Ivory or Olay body wash for sensitive skin. Be sure to rinse all soap off completely from your body and face after washing because residual soap can further irritate the skin and worsen symptoms of eczema

The first step in treating your eczema is to figure out what’s causing it. There are many factors that can contribute to eczema, including genetics, environment, and irritants. The next step is to try and remove the triggers or irritants from your life.

So far I’ve tried a number of things for my eczema: lotions, clothing recommendations, dietary changes (no sugar, no dairy), lifestyle changes (less stress), topical creams and prescription steroids. I have had some success with all of these, but still need to be more consistent.

Here are 12 ways that may help you treat your eczema:

All of the sudden you have eczema. It can be a very scary, frustrating and overwhelming experience. You’ve never had it before and now all of the sudden you have itchy, bumpy, red skin, not knowing what to do. There are many different types of eczema symptoms but here are the most common ones:

Dry skin

Itching (can be severe)


Rash on the face, inside the elbows, behind the knees, on the hands and feet, or anywhere on the body

Dark colored patches of skin (hyperpigmentation)

Scaly or rough patches of skin

Open, crusted or “weepy” areas of skin (often caused by scratching)

Swollen or puffy skin

You have eczema and want to put your best face forward. But the skin condition can be frustrating, irritating and embarrassing. Just when you think you’ve got it under control, it flares up again.

– The National Eczema Association offers some great tips on how to ease the pain of eczema, including these 12 treatments:

– 1. Moisturize often. You may already do this, but keep at it. And use only products that are hypoallergenic and dye-, fragrance- and alcohol-free. For real relief, try petroleum jelly or mineral oil (but make sure you’re not allergic first).

– 2. Don’t scratch! This can irritate your skin further and make you more susceptible to infection from bacteria or viruses. If itching is really bad, try covering the area with a bandage or tape after applying your lotion or cream.

– 3. Take lukewarm showers and baths in short bursts (no more than 15 minutes). Use gentle soaps that don’t contain perfume. Follow up with moisturizer immediately after toweling off to lock in moisture while your skin is still damp.”

What is eczema? Eczema is a general term for a group of related skin conditions that cause the skin to become inflamed or irritated. The most common type of eczema is called atopic dermatitis, or atopic eczema. Most people associate eczema with a rash but it’s also associated with dry, sensitive skin. It tends to run in families and often goes hand-in-hand with allergies such as hay fever and asthma.

It can be anything from a mild nuisance to a condition that causes serious sleep deprivation and social withdrawal. Although it’s not life threatening, it’s very uncomfortable and in some cases can cause permanent scarring of the skin.

What are the signs and symptoms of eczema? Common signs and symptoms of eczema include:

Dry, sensitive skin

Intense itching

Red patches on the skin

Scaly patches on the skin

Oozing blisters that crust over when scratched

Thickened, cracked, “leathery” patches on the skin (usually seen in adults)

Raw, sensitive, swollen skin from scratching (seen in children who scratch intensely)

There are many different skin diseases and disorders, but one of the most common is eczema. Eczema is characterized by dry, itchy patches of skin that can become inflamed or irritated when scratched. It’s a chronic condition that can be painful for those who suffer from it. In fact, eczema occurs in about 10-20% of all children, although about 60% of those children will outgrow their symptoms by age 10.

There are several different types of eczema, including:

Atopic dermatitis (the most common type)Contact dermatitisSeborrheic dermatitisNummular dermatitisStasis dermatitisDyshidrotic eczema

The symptoms of eczema include:

Dry, extremely itchy skinScaly patches of skinRednessRashesBumpsBlistersOozing/crustingSkin thickening (in chronic cases)

There are many things that can cause or aggravate eczema. Some examples include:

AllergiesIrritantsStressSweatingTemperature changes

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