What Your Skin Is Really Trying To Tell You

It’s been a long time since I’ve posted. I’m going to be honest. I was afraid to post. Afraid to post because I felt like every other blog post out there is “skin care tips and tricks” or “skincare advice.” And that’s what I wanted to do too…but my feeling is, why repeat something that has already been said? So instead of writing about the same thing everyone else is writing about, I thought about what I could write about that would set me apart from all the other posts out there.

I thought about what my blog was supposed to be in the first place, and then it came to me. My blog was supposed to be about how skin behaves, already knowing WHY it behaves the way it does puts you on a completely different level with skincare. It lets you take control of your skin and let me tell you, understanding how skin works will change your life! Imagine having a problem with your skin, finding out WHY that problem occurs and then knowing exactly what products or treatments work best for that specific problem or condition. You don’t need anyone telling you what may or may not work for you. You can just find

There are a lot of reasons why your skin might be acting up, so the first thing to do is to figure out what’s causing it. Once you know that, you can start coming up with solutions.

An important factor in determining what’s going on with your skin is your skin type. There are four basic types of skin: dry, oily, combination, and sensitive. Every person has one of these types, and it’s extremely rare for anyone to have a skin type that doesn’t fit into one of these categories.

For the most part, knowing your skin type follows from understanding how much oil your skin produces. Dry skin produces less oil than normal (or average) skin; oily skin produces more oil than normal; combination skins produce some areas of excess oil and other areas of less-than-normal oil; sensitive skins may fall into any of the above three categories and simply be more reactive than average to certain products or stimuli.

Did you know that your skin is your largest organ?

Most people don’t. But it’s true. And knowing that fact can help you understand how to keep your skin healthy and radiant. After all, if your skin is an organ, it works like the rest of your organs. That means there are certain things it needs to thrive and other things that can compromise its health.

Your skin is a living, breathing organism. It has a life of its own and it breathes just like you do. Skin cells behave in predictable patterns depending on the environment they’re exposed to. And it’s up to you to provide the right environment so your skin can thrive.

What kinds of environments will support your skin? What should you avoid? The answers will surprise you because they may not be what you’ve been told by conventional wisdom or the beauty industry.

The Skin Nerd is your go-to resource for all things skin related. Our obsession with skin started many years ago when our founder, Jennifer Rock realized the huge gap in the industry for accessible, expert skin care advice.

Jennifer is a qualified therapist who has spent over 20 years working in the beauty industry and with some of the best dermatologists, plastic surgeons and health practitioners. Her passion for skin began when she was a teenager when she was left with acne scars as a result of having acne. The experience left her feeling very self-conscious and this led to her discovering her passion for skincare…

Aging skin is a common concern for many people. While it may appear there is an infinite amount of products out there claiming to reverse or slow the aging process, there are some fundamental ways you can help your skin look younger and healthier without spending hundreds of dollars on expensive creams and serums.

Here are five tips that are easy to follow for younger looking skin:

1. Protect your skin from the sun

The most important thing you can do is wear sunscreen every day. Despite popular belief that only people with fair skin should use sunscreen, everyone should be wearing it. Skin cancer can affect anyone regardless of race or ethnicity and UV rays have been linked to premature wrinkles and age spots. The daily use of sunscreen reduces your risk of all three of these things making it the most important step you can take in preventing premature aging.

2. Use a mild cleanser

Washing your face it not just about getting rid of makeup or dirt, but also cleaning your pores which helps prevent acne breakouts and blackheads. However, using harsh cleansers or products that are specially formulated for oily or dry skin can actually do more harm than good by stripping the natural oils from your face leaving it red and irritated. Instead, choose a mild cleanser that is non-

A good skin care routine is important to keep your skin healthy and radiant. But it can be hard to know where to start, especially if you’re dealing with a specific skin concern.

We’ve all been there — we spend a lot of time and money on our skin care routine but we’re still not seeing the results that we want. Often the problem is that we’re doing the wrong things for our skin type or applying products at the wrong time of day.

As a dermatologist, I see this scenario play out again and again in my office. When I work with patients with similar concerns, I always find that they are making a few simple mistakes in their skincare routine that are preventing them from reaching their goals. By fixing these problems, they are able to see real improvement in their skin health.

Here are five common mistakes that might be holding back your skin care routine and what you can do to correct them:

What is your skin trying to tell you?

The skin is the largest organ in the body, and it’s often a good indicator of what’s going on inside. By looking at your skin, you can tell what kind of diet you’re on, how healthy your organs are working, and even if you have hormonal changes or allergies. If a problem develops beneath the skin, it can sometimes be seen or felt on the surface. Here’s some things to look for:


Acne can be caused by many different factors such as hormonal changes, stress and poor diet. These factors cause an increase in oil production in the pores which can lead to breakouts. While treating acne from the outside with creams and lotions is helpful, it is also important to try to address these factors from within. Incorporate more fresh fruits, vegetables and water into your diet and cut down on starchy, sugary foods. Supplementing with zinc and chromium picolinate may help reduce inflammation of acne lesions.*

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