3 Things You’re Doing to Cause Acne

Three Things You’re Doing to Cause Acne

Acne is an inflammatory condition of the skin that can be caused by many things. There are many myths about what causes acne, but some have been proven time and time again. Here are three things you’re doing to cause acne:

1. Touching your face with dirty hands. When you touch your face with dirty hands, you are accidentally transferring bacteria to your face that can then clog your pores and cause acne. Make sure you wash your hands before touching your face, especially if you’ve been working out or playing sports.

2. Leaving on makeup overnight. Your makeup is designed to stay on until you take it off, which means that it is designed to clog pores and cause acne. If you have a skincare routine that includes removing your makeup before bed, then make sure you stick to it every night!

3. Not removing excess oil from your hair. If you have oily hair, it will transfer oil onto your forehead throughout the day and clog pores there as well as on your face. This will lead to acne in places other than just your cheeks or chin! Make sure that if you have oily hair that you wash it regularly

Three Things You’re Doing to Cause Acne

It’s hard to imagine the stress of feeling like you’re fighting a war against your face and losing. And, unfortunately, acne seems to strike just about when we need our confidence the most: during our teenage years. But you don’t have to be a teenager to suffer from acne. Adult acne is real, and it can be frustrating, embarrassing and downright depressing.

While there are many things that cause acne, here are three common ones that you might not expect:

1. Your diet is causing acne

There are a lot of foods that contribute to breakouts. And while we all love French fries and chocolate chip cookies, they may not be worth the price you pay on your face. The following foods are known to be problematic for some people.

a. Dairy products: Dairy can cause an increase in a hormone called IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor 1), which can lead to oil production in your skin. This oil clogs pores and causes blackheads and whiteheads, leading to acne. Milk also contains sugar (lactose), which is definitely bad for breakouts!

b. Chocolate: There’s a long-standing myth that

Acne is the most common skin condition in the United States, affecting approximately 85% of people at some point in their life. While it can be a painful and embarrassing part of growing up for some, acne does not have to be your skin’s destiny.

To help you fight the good fight against pimples, we have compiled our top 3 things that cause acne and how you can avoid them.

1) You’re not washing your face enough

If you are waking up to find a huge zit on your nose or chin, you could be guilty of sleeping in your makeup. Makeup, especially foundation and concealer, clogs your pores while you sleep—which leads to acne. Instead, make sure to wash your face with a mild cleanser before bed to help combat this issue.

2) You’re eating fried foods and chocolate

While we all have our vices, these two foods are notorious for causing breakouts. This is because they increase oil production and inflammation in the body—two factors that contribute to acne development. Next time you want French fries or chocolate, remember that it could come back to haunt you on your face!

3) You’re not using products with salicylic acid

Salicylic acid found in

Acne occurs when your skin’s oil glands produce too much oil, clogging the pores in the process. This leads to inflammation, which presents itself in the form of acne. There are many different types of acne and many factors that contribute to it. It’s important to figure out what is causing your acne so you can properly treat and avoid it in the future. Here are three things that could be causing your acne:

1. Dirty Pillowcases

Oil from your hair and face rub off onto your pillow while you sleep. If you do not regularly wash your pillowcases, this can lead to more oil buildup on your face and potentially more acne. To prevent this, make sure you wash your pillowcases at least once a week to avoid unnecessary breakouts.

2. Touching Your Face

It’s easy to touch our faces throughout the day without even realizing it. However, doing this transfers bacteria from our hands onto our face, causing more breakouts in the process. Make sure you wash your hands regularly and try not to touch your face as much during the day if you struggle with acne.

3. Diet

The old saying “you are what you eat” holds true for skin care as well! Di

Clear skin is a desire of many people, but unfortunately, not everyone is lucky enough to have it. While some are able to go through puberty without having a pimple in sight, others are left with battling one breakout after the next.

There are a number of factors that can cause acne, but the good news is that there are also plenty of ways to prevent it from happening. The first thing you need to do is take a look at your daily routine and see which one of these three things you may be doing that’s causing you to break out.

1. Not Moisturizing

While you may think washing your face and avoiding oil-based products will help prevent acne from happening, in reality, by not moisturizing after you wash your face, you’re actually drying out your skin and causing more oil production.

Dry skin leads to your sebaceous glands overcompensating for the lack of moisture by producing excess oil. Because oil cannot evaporate off of dried skin, this often leads to clogged pores and acne breakouts.

Common acne sufferers have been known to turn to a variety of methods to clear up their skin. Some try natural remedies like tea tree oil, witch hazel and apple cider vinegar. Others look to over-the-counter products that contain benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid. But no matter the regimen, the results are often disappointing or even worse—irritating.

Why? Because many people aren’t tackling their breakouts at the root of the problem: what’s happening inside your body. Acne is an inflammatory condition, according to board-certified dermatologist and founder of Entière Dermatology in San Francisco, Dr. Purvisha Patel. “The root cause of all acne is inflammation,” she says. “This inflammation results in clogged pores, which can lead to bacterial infections that cause acne symptoms like pimples and cysts.”

The good news is that there are effective ways to address inflammation from the inside out and help prevent breakouts before they start. Here are three things you could be doing right now that could be causing your acne flareups—and how you can stop them in their tracks:

You might think that you’re doing everything right, but chances are you could be making one or more of these very common mistakes. To help you figure out what’s going on, I’ve put together a list of the three most common causes of acne. First and foremost, the biggest cause of acne is not washing your face twice a day. I know you’re busy, but it only takes two minutes, so there’s no excuse.

The second most common cause of acne is wearing makeup to bed. I know how tempting it is to go to sleep with your makeup on after a long night out or to just wake up late and skip washing your face in the morning, but if you want clear skin, you have to make the extra effort.

Thirdly (and finally), the third most common cause of acne is stress. If you feel yourself getting stressed out at work or school, try taking a few minutes each day to relax and do something fun like reading a book or watching TV. Those few minutes will make all the difference for your skin!

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