Warts are one of the most common conditions. Plantar warts, also known as verrucas, are especially unpleasant because they occur on the sole of the foot. They can be both painful and ugly.
Plantar warts develop when a virus (Human Papillomavirus) gets into your body through tiny cuts or breaks in the skin. They grow on your feet because they like warm moist environments.
Here are 5 quick tips to help you manage plantar warts:
1. Keep your feet clean and dry
2. Wear flip flops in public showers and locker rooms
3. Don’t go barefoot where others have gone barefoot
4. Avoid touching other people’s warts
5. See a doctor if home treatment does not work
Plantar warts are a pain. They can grow on the bottom of your feet and make putting weight on them painful.
So how do you get rid of them? Unfortunately, there is no quick fix for getting rid of plantar warts. It takes time and patience to get rid of them. The good news is that most people will have success at home with over-the-counter remedies.
There are many different ways to treat plantar warts. The following are some quick tips to help manage plantar warts:
* Keep the wart dry when you’re not in the shower or bath by covering it with a bandage overnight
* You can also use duct tape to cover the wart! Remove after a couple days and see if anything has changed.
* Use an emery board or pumice stone to gently file down the wart. This helps remove dead skin cells that may be harboring the virus.
* Visit your podiatrist for cryotherapy (freezing warts) or other treatments if necessary
Plantar warts, also known as Verruca Plantaris, are caused by a virus that enters the body through tiny breaks in the skin. They can be painful and can spread, but with proper treatment, they should go away in about 1.5 years. Some people, however, may have warts for several years if not treated properly. Here are a few tips to help you manage your plantar warts:
1. Over the counter treatments many times do not work. This is because they contain salicylic acid which must be applied daily for a period of 8 weeks or more in order to kill the wart virus. In addition, treatments often require manually paring down the top layers of dead skin on the wart to allow better penetration of the medication. Because it is difficult to properly treat a plantar wart at home and due to the length of time required for most over-the-counter treatments, it’s best to see a podiatrist if you suspect you have a plantar wart.
2. To prevent spreading warts and contracting new ones, never go barefoot in public areas such as locker rooms or public showers. Always wear sandals or flip flops when using these facilities and don’t share shoes or socks with
Plantar wart is a common foot condition. It typically manifests as a rough, scaly, hard lesion on the sole of the foot. Plantar warts may be painful if they’re in an area where you put pressure on them when you walk.
Plantar warts are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). According to Dr. Ted Grossbart, a psychologist who specializes in skin disorders:
“Over 100 different HPV subtypes have been identified. They can cause warts on various parts of the body, including the feet, hands, and genitals.”
The virus enters through broken skin and is contagious. While anyone can get a plantar wart, it’s more prevalent among children and adolescents than adults.
To help prevent plantar warts:
* Don’t walk around barefoot in general. This is especially important in public places such as locker rooms and pool areas that are likely to be contaminated with HPV.
* Avoid direct contact with warts from other people or from other parts of your own body. That means don’t touch them and don’t pick them off! If you do happen to touch a wart, wash your hands immediately afterward.
1. Don’t self-treat.
2. Try over-the-counter wart medications, but don’t expect miracles.
3. Consider home remedies.
4. See a doctor if your plantar warts are painful or spreading, or if they persist after you’ve tried OTC and home remedies for several weeks.
5. Remember that plantar warts are contagious, so try to avoid direct contact with them and take measures to prevent them from spreading to others or other areas of your body.
A plantar wart is a hard, grainy growth on the bottom of the foot. Plantar warts cause pain when standing and walking. They can be mistaken for a callus or other benign growth.
A plantar wart often starts out flat, but over time a callus can develop over it; the center may become dark and contain tiny black pinpoints that are actually small, clotted blood vessels. The surface may be rough or smooth.
Plantar warts are contagious, though not everyone who comes in contact with the HPV that causes them will get one. The virus can spread from person to person by direct contact or by walking barefoot in communal showers or pools, where the virus thrives in warm, moist conditions.
Warts are common in children and teens, but since they tend to clear up as people age, adults with warts should see their doctor for an exam.
If you would like more information about plantar warts and how to treat them, please contact us or schedule an appointment for a consultation. You can also learn more about this topic by reading the Dear Doctor magazine article “Plantar Warts.”
If you’ve noticed a growth on the bottom of your foot that looks like a small, fleshy cauliflower, chances are you have a wart. It’s likely a plantar wart, which is caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). There are many types of HPV, but plantar warts are usually caused by one called HPV-1.
Warts are skin infections caused by viruses in the human papillomavirus (HPV) family. The virus causes rapid growth of cells on the outer layer of your skin. There are more than 100 types of HPV. Different kinds of HPV affect different parts of the body:
Some types of HPV cause warts on the hands or feet. These are called common warts.
Other HPV types infect the genital area and can cause genital warts. Some genital HPV types may also cause warts on the tongue and tonsils or in the throat.