Cellulite Factoids

Cellulite Factoids: A blog listing things known and not known about cellulite.

1. What is cellulite?

Cellulite is a slang term for the dimpled skin that some people have on their hips, thighs and buttocks. Cellulite occurs when underlying fat deposits begin to push through layers of collagen fibers, or connective tissue, beneath the skin. The result is an unattractive dimpling effect that resembles the skin of an orange peel or cottage cheese.

2. Is it really caused by toxins?

No, there is no scientific evidence to support this claim.

Cellulite Factoids: A blog listing things known and not known about cellulite.

In the summer of 2010 I began compiling a list of information I had heard or read about cellulite. I was told that it was caused by toxins, that it was caused by poor circulation, that it was caused by thickening of the skin, and so on. The list grew to over a hundred factoids, and included some contradictions.

I have since found it interesting to note when my friends repeat some item on this list as if it were established fact. “You know what causes cellulite? It’s toxins.” For example:

Poor circulation is bad for cellulite because it prevents nutrients from reaching the area, but good circulation is bad for cellulite because it encourages fluid retention.

Cellulite forms in the superficial fascia, a layer of connective tissue below the skin that contains fat cells. (The superficial fascia is also called the hypodermis.) Cellulite is found mainly on women because women have thinner skin than men do, and their fat cells are larger than men’s are.[9] Because men have thicker skin, their superficial fascia is less likely to show through.

Toxins cause cellulite because they slow down

What is cellulite?

Nobody knows.

What causes cellulite?

Nobody knows.

– Cellulite is the name given to dimpled skin on thighs, butts and bellies.

– The French invented the word cellulite and it was popularized in 1973 by Vogue.

– It is not just fat. It is a physiological condition involving the hip fat layer and connective tissue.

– As of 2004, there are no FDA approved treatments for cellulite.

– Cellulite is not caused by toxins in fat cells, though it is often claimed so.

– With age, connective tissue in skin weakens, allowing fat to push through to the dermis giving the appearance of dimples. Collagen may also play a role in cellulite formation.

CELLULITE FACT: Cellulite is a fatty deposit that can appear on women’s hips, buttocks and thighs in the form of dimples and bulges.

CELLULITE FACT: Experts agree that cellulite is a genetic problem.

CELLULITE FACT: Some experts believe that cellulite is caused by hormones.

CELLULITE MYTH: Some people believe that cellulite is caused by poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle.

CELLULITE MYTH: Some people believe that you can eliminate cellulite with exercise.

CELLULITE MYTH: Some people believe you can eliminate cellulite with dieting.

CELLULITE MYTH: Some people believe you can eliminate cellulite with special creams.

The first thing to know about cellulite is that it’s not fat. Cellulite is a scientific term used to describe the dimpling of skin that occurs due to the structure of connective tissue below the surface. In other words, it’s caused by a structural problem in the body’s support system, not an excess accumulation of fat (like a double chin).

The second thing to know about cellulite is that although it isn’t fat, losing weight won’t make it go away. No matter how thin you get, if you have cellulite, you’ll still have it.

The third thing to know about cellulite is that although losing weight won’t make it go away, some exercises may help improve the appearance of cellulite over time. These exercises are usually aimed at toning and strengthening the muscles in the thighs and buttocks where most women experience cellulite. Some examples include squats and lunges.

The fourth thing to know about cellulite is that manufacturers of anti-cellulite creams say their products work because they contain ingredients that penetrate deep into skin and break down fat cells or shrink them. They say their creams can also increase circulation, which would help tone your skin and give it a healthier appearance. This might be true for some

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