Home Care for a Skin Condition like HS

Home Care for a Skin Condition like HS: A blog around home care and what to do if you have HS.

Hidradenitis suppurativa is a painful, chronic, inflammatory skin condition characterized by recurrent abscesses and/or draining sinus tracts in the armpits, under the breasts, on the buttocks and in the groin area. It is also known as acne inversa.

Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is a rare skin disease that most commonly occurs in women between puberty and menopause. It is rarely seen in children or older adults.

The exact cause of HS is not known, but it may be linked to a combination of genetic factors, hormones and immune system responses. HS can impact your quality of life because it can affect your physical appearance and emotional well-being. The discomfort and pain associated with HS also can interfere with daily activities such as work and exercise.

HS cannot be cured, but treatment can help control symptoms by reducing inflammation and clearing infected areas of tissue. Treatment may include antibiotics to treat bacterial infections, hormonal medications to reduce overactivity of the oil glands, topical treatments to reduce inflammation, or surgery to remove abscesses or tunnels of scarring tissue that develop under the skin

Living with HS can be challenging but there are many things you can do around home care to help manage your symptoms. In this blog, we will talk about home care for people who have HS and how to manage flare-ups at home.

What is HS?

HS is a chronic skin condition that causes red, painful bumps or lumps (nodules) under the skin. The nodules often turn into pus-filled sores that can drain clear fluid or pus. HS causes these symptoms in the armpits, groin, and buttocks; under the breasts; between the buttocks; and around the genitals and anus.

Why is it important to get treatment?

When left untreated, HS can cause you to develop large scars where skin has grown together. Your symptoms may keep coming back in the same spots or spread to new areas of the body over time. This can lead to infection, abscesses (pockets of pus), and drainage on your skin’s surface. Some people with HS have a hard time doing daily activities like walking because of pain from their symptoms.

Why do I have it?

It’s not clear what causes HS but experts think it results from blockages in the sweat glands in certain parts of the body like those listed above

If you have a chronic skin condition like Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS), you may be wondering how to properly care for your skin at home. The condition causes painful lumps and cysts that develop under the skin, especially in areas where there are many sweat glands. These areas include the armpits, groin, anal area, and breasts.

There is no cure for HS, and treatment options can be limited. But by taking good care of your skin at home, you can decrease the severity of your condition and enjoy relief from pain and discomfort. Here are some tips for managing HS at home:

– Use warm water when washing wounds

– Avoid harsh soaps or cleansers that can dry out or irritate the skin

– Pat dry with a clean towel, do not rub or scrub your skin

– Do not shave affected areas

– Keep affected areas clean and dry using mild cleanser and warm water, pat dry with a clean towel

– Keep affected areas as open to air as possible

– Wash towels after use

– Wear loose clothing made from natural fibers, like cotton

– Do not wear tight clothing that may irritate the skin or trap sweat against it

What is hidradenitis suppurativa (HS)?

Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is a chronic skin condition in which there are inflamed bumps and lesions on the skin. HS most often appears as multiple abscesses (boils), scarring or sinus tracts (tunnels under the skin). It is typically located in the armpits, groin, buttocks and breasts. The inflammation results from blocked hair follicles. The condition is not contagious.

Although it can be disfiguring and painful, HS does not increase the risk of cancer. About 1% of people have HS. It usually begins in a person’s teens or twenties. Some people may be symptom-free for many years before HS returns again.

Zinc oxide cream can reduce the appearance of scars caused by acne

Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is a chronic, recurring, inflammatory skin condition that usually occurs in the armpits and groin region. It is also known as acne inversa. If left untreated, HS can cause severe scarring and disfigurement.

What causes HS?

The exact cause of HS is unknown. Researchers believe it could be caused by genetics or hormones. It may also be triggered by smoking, obesity or poor hygiene.

People with HS tend to get flare-ups of sores that are painful and may weep fluid or pus. The sores usually occur in areas where the skin rubs together or where there are hair follicles, such as the armpits, groin, between the buttocks and under the breasts. The sores are slow to heal and may leave scars.

Who gets HS?

Anyone can develop HS, but it more common in women than men; most people with HS are diagnosed by age 30.

Skin conditions do not just cause cosmetic concerns for those who suffer from them. In some cases, they can even be painful and have a severe impact on a person’s quality of life.

Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS), or acne inversa, is a skin condition that most commonly affects areas of the body where skin rubs against skin. It may develop where there are sweat glands, such as the armpits, groin, and under breasts. The disease can present anywhere on the body but typically appears in places where there are many hair follicles, such as the buttocks and genital area.

It is estimated that at least 100,000 people in the United States suffer from HS. Although it can start at any age, its peak onset occurs between 18 and 29 years old. Women experience HS more often than men do; however, they are more likely to seek treatment for it.

Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is a chronic inflammatory skin condition. It is also called acne inversa. The condition causes painful lumps to grow under the skin. These lumps often break open and drain foul-smelling pus. The areas of your body most likely to be affected by HS include:



upper thighs


under the breasts

HS may also develop around surgical scars after a tummy tuck or other surgeries. In rare cases, it may appear on the face, scalp, neck, or ears.

The exact cause of HS is not known. It is believed to be due to a blockage in hair follicles that results in an infection and inflammation. HS has also been linked to:

hormones — more common in women who have reached childbearing age

genetics — may be passed down through families

obesity — more common in people who are overweight or obese

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