How To Know If You Have Melasma

Melasma is a skin discoloration condition that can be caused by hormonal changes, sun exposure and in some cases, birth control. It’s characterized by the appearance of brown or gray patches on the face. They usually appear on the cheeks, nose, upper lip, forehead and chin and are symmetrical.

If you have melasma and are looking for ways to treat it, there are many options available to you including prescription creams and chemical peels performed by a dermatologist. You can also try over-the-counter treatments such as creams containing hydroquinone, kojic acid and Vitamin C.

Melasma is a skin condition that causes discoloration on the skin. It occurs when melanin production is disordered, which is what gives the skin its color. Melanin protects your skin from the sun. Ordinarily, this wouldn’t be an issue but with many people being outside more during the summer, it’s important to know how to identify melasma before taking action.

Symptoms of Melasma:

Melasma occurs in patches on the face, usually around the nose and cheeks. This is called centrofacial melasma, and it’s the most common type of melasma to have. Other types of melasma include malar and mandibular, which occur on other parts of the face. If you notice dark spots on your face that seem to occur randomly, and do not resolve after spending less time in the sun (or protecting yourself from it), you may have melasma. Everyone should be using sunscreen, but if you have melasma, it’s even more important for you.

There are several medications that can help with melasma if you have it. However, only a dermatologist can properly diagnose you with this condition. It’s important to get tested by one if you suspect that you have melasma so that they can

Melasma is a skin condition that causes blotchy brown, gray or blue-gray patches on the skin. The most common areas for melasma are the face, particularly the cheeks, forehead and upper lip. It can also affect your forearms, neck and chest.

What Causes Melasma?

Some pregnant women get melasma because of hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy. It can also be caused by oral contraceptives and hormone replacement therapy (HRT).

Are There Any Symptoms with Melasma?

In addition to the discoloration, some people with melasma may experience itching, mild swelling or redness in the affected areas. Women seem to be affected more often than men. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, 90 percent of people with melasma are female.

How Is Melasma Diagnosed?

A dermatologist will do a physical examination to diagnose melasma. Generally a biopsy isn’t necessary but a dermatologist may perform one if they suspect another condition is causing it.

Melasma is a skin condition that causes discoloration on parts of the face. The most common areas where it appears are the cheeks, upper lip, forehead, and nose. The discoloration comes in the form of dark brown or grayish patches and can be very noticeable.

Melasma is caused by excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays from the sun and can also be triggered by hormonal changes during pregnancy. This condition is more common in women than men; however, men can get melasma too. The following are some signs of melasma:

1. Dark patches appear on parts of the face

2. Skin feels rough to the touch

3. Skin looks darker than normal

4. Patches appear on sun-exposed parts of the face

Melasma is a skin condition that can be brought on by pregnancy, birth control pills, hormone replacement therapy, sun exposure and genetic factors. It usually shows up as symmetrical (on both sides of the face), brown or gray-brown patches on the cheeks, forehead, chin and above the upper lip.

Melasma can be frustrating to treat. It may take a long time to see results, depending on what treatments you use, how well you follow your healthcare provider’s instructions and how sensitive your skin is.

Since melasma is so difficult to treat, it’s very important to protect your skin from the sun every day. If you don’t follow directions carefully and use sunscreen exactly as prescribed, you may actually make it worse with certain treatments.

There are many different ways to treat melasma. Most can be done right in your healthcare provider’s office. Your healthcare provider will choose the best treatment for you based on:

How severe your symptoms are

How long you’ve had them

What type of skin you have

How well you were able to treat them in the past

Melasma is a skin condition characterized by brown patches on the face. The word melasma comes from the Greek word “melas” which means black. Melasma is also known as the “mask of pregnancy” because it occurs in a lot of women during their pregnancy stage. Melasma can affect any part of the body that has high levels of melanin (the natural pigment that gives your skin its colour). But most commonly, melasma is found on the face, especially the forehead and cheeks.

Melasma can also appear on other parts of the body including the neck, upper lip, forearms, and shoulders. It is more common among women than men. In fact, it affects more than 90 percent of pregnant women.

Melanin is produced by melanocytes – special cells in the skin. The cells produce melanin when exposed to sun rays or other sources of ultraviolet radiation like tanning beds. The levels of melanin will determine how dark or light your skin will be and whether you are at risk for skin cancer.

Melasma, also known as brown spots on the skin, affects both women and men. It is more common in women because it is often brought on by pregnancy or birth control pills. If a woman has a family history of melasma, she is also more likely to be affected by this condition. In men, it can be brought on by stress and other environmental factors.

Melasma is not harmful to you physically but can be very damaging to your self esteem. Many people who suffer from melasma are embarrassed about their skin and may avoid social situations where they are exposed, like the beach or poolside parties. It can cause people to feel unattractive and may even affect relationships and their performance at work.

Melasma is not curable but there are ways that you can treat it. The most popular treatment for melasma today is laser therapy, which uses a high intensity light to target the affected areas of the skin. Laser therapy has been used successfully to treat other types of pigmentation problems such as sun damage and age spots as well.

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