Is Your Skin Sensitive or Sensitized? Here’s How To Know and How To Deal

Sensitive skin isn’t necessarily just a skin type. It’s actually more of a state of the skin. For example, you can have oily, acne-prone and sensitive skin at the same time — which is one of the most common types of skin that dermatologists see in their offices.

In order to understand how to treat your skin, it’s important to understand what your specific type of sensitivity is: Is your skin sensitive or sensitized?

Sensitive Skin

The technical term for sensitive skin is “intact barrier.” Intact barrier means that your pH is balanced and healthy, but the lipid layer itself may be thinner than normal. Thinner lipid layers can make your skin more prone to sensitivity because you lose some of the natural protection that prevents irritants from penetrating deeper into the skin.

Common signs of sensitive skin include:

Redness and itchiness after using new skincare products or makeup

Redness and itchiness after shaving or waxing

A tendency to flush easily (even without alcohol!)

Tightness or burning sensations immediately after cleansing

Sensitive or sensitized?

Sensitive skin is a term used for skin that has a visceral reaction to external elements. This does not necessarily mean redness, but could be a stinging sensation or even extreme dryness. Sensitized skin is not necessarily sensitive all the time, but rather the result of the skin being exposed to something it doesn’t like. In this case, the skin’s natural protective barrier has been compromised and is more reactive than usual.

If you are feeling confused by what we just said above, don’t worry! Let us break it down for you:

– If you have sensitive skin, your face will feel uncomfortable and react quickly when it comes in contact with external elements such as the wind, cold weather or sunlight. It will also feel uncomfortable when in contact with cosmetic products such as face cleansers, creams and lotions.

– If you have sensitized skin, your face might be reacting to your cleanser or moisturizer because it contains ingredients that are too aggressive for your skin type. It might also be reacting because you are using too many active ingredients that are causing irritation or inflammation to your skin.

In both cases we recommend consulting with an aesthetician to determine your exact needs.

Some people have naturally sensitive skin that produces redness, irritation, and itchiness on contact with irritants. For example, you may notice your skin turns red in the sun or after a workout or that it tingles when you put certain products on it.

Sensitive skin doesn’t necessarily mean you have sensitive skin. Another type of sensitivity is called sensitized skin. In this case, your skin may not have been inherently sensitive and still produce flare-ups of redness and irritation. This kind of reactivity is usually caused by an inflammatory response to an external factor such as:

* Excess sun exposure

* An unhealthy lifestyle

* Poor-quality skincare products

* Stress

The good news is that sensitized skin can be improved. If you are dealing with this condition, take heart: The first step to improving your skin is learning about how to select and use the right products for your specific needs and following a healthy lifestyle.

Sensitive skin is something we’re all familiar with—or at least, we think we are. If a product stings when you put it on or turns your face red, you’d call it sensitive, right? Well, not necessarily.

If you’ve ever experienced a burning sensation or extreme dryness after using a product, you may have what we call “sensitized skin.” Sensitized skin is caused by over-exfoliation, which can strip your skin of its natural oils and disrupt the moisture barrier.

The moisture barrier is meant to lock moisture in and keep irritants out, but when too many exfoliating acids are used on the same day or even in the same week, your skin can get overwhelmed and become sensitized.

It’s the most common of skin complaints: sensitive skin. But, according to some experts, it might not actually exist as such.

“Sensitive skin is a very vague term,” says Dr Nick Lowe, consultant dermatologist at The Cranley Clinic in London. “It doesn’t have a medical definition and it can mean lots of different things to different people.”

Dr Anjali Mahto, consultant dermatologist at the Cadogan Clinic, agrees. “Sensitive skin is a layman’s term rather than a medical one,” she says. “People may attribute symptoms to sensitive skin when there are other factors at play.” So what does it mean for your skin? And how should you go about dealing with it? Here’s everything you need to know…

Sensitive skin is a common problem that many people face today. This can be caused by internal and external factors, such as food allergies, dehydration, harsh weather conditions and stress. Skin that is sensitive reacts easily to stimuli and becomes red and inflamed at the least provocation.

The condition needs to be treated properly in order to avoid further damage to the skin. Calamine lotion is an important part of the treatment plan for sensitive skin because it helps to alleviate itching and inflammation.

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