Ringworm 101 Everything You Need to Know

Ringworm, also known as tinea corporis, is a fungal infection that affects the skin. It is not actually caused by worms, and it is not contagious. Ringworm can develop on almost any part of the body; however, it is most common on the arms, legs, scalp, feet and groin.

Ringworm causes red, itchy patches of skin to develop in circular shapes. The patches are often scaly and have a raised appearance. If ringworm develops on the body or scalp, a person may notice clusters of small, pus-filled blisters. These blisters may break open, causing crusts to form. Other signs and symptoms include:

•Itchy skin

•Red or brown rash

•Ring-shaped patches

•Skin scaling

•Thin, hair loss

If left untreated ringworm may persist for several weeks or months. Treatment usually involves antifungal creams or ointments which are applied topically to the affected area. In more severe cases oral medication may be prescribed by your doctor.

The word “ringworm” is a misnomer, because the infection isn’t caused by a worm. Instead, ringworm is a skin infection that’s caused by mold-like fungi called dermatophytes.

Dermatophyte fungi thrive in moist, warm environments, such as locker rooms and swimming pools. They grow on the dead tissue of hair, nails and outer skin layers.

Ringworm can infect the feet (athletes foot), groin (jock itch), scalp, body and nails. It produces itchy patches of red or silvery scaling skin. The centers of these patches may clear up as they grow, hence the term “ringworm.”

Ringworm is fairly common: More than 20 percent of children will get ringworm at some point. Fortunately, it’s easy to treat with over-the-counter antifungal creams or shampoos. But if you don’t treat ringworm properly, it could keep coming back.

What does ringworm look like?

If you have ringworm on your body or scalp, you might notice:

Round patches of itchy, scaly skin on your arms, legs or trunk. These patches may leave your skin raw and

Ringworm is a common fungal infection of the skin. It’s not actually caused by a worm, as the name would suggest. It’s more of a collective term for several related infections that all produce a ring-like appearance on the body. These infections are highly contagious and can easily spread from person to person or from animals to humans.

In some cases, ringworm may be present without symptoms. You can still pass the infection on to other people even if you have no visible symptoms. However, most people with ringworm will experience a red or silvery patch of skin that’s itchy or sore. The rash will often have scales or blisters and may be inflamed or swollen.

The infection can affect almost any part of your body, but it tends to affect warm, moist areas such as:

the groin area – known as jock itch

between the toes – known as athlete’s foot

the scalp – known as tinea capitis

The fungus usually causes an itchy, red rash, which may be circular in shape. This is why ringworm is sometimes called “jock itch” or “athlete’s foot.”

Ringworm, or tinea corporis, is a fungal infection that results in red and itchy patches on the skin. It is not caused by a worm, but instead by a type of fungus called a dermatophyte. In this article, we look at the symptoms, causes, and treatments of ringworm.

Ringworm is contagious and can be spread through direct contact with infected people or animals and sharing items such as towels or hairbrushes. It can also be caught from contaminated surfaces.

Symptoms of ringworm include red patches of skin, scaling skin, and itchy rash. Treatment for ringworm usually involves using antifungal creams or oral antifungal medication.

Ringworm is a common skin infection that is caused by a fungus. It got its name because it can cause a ring-shaped rash that is usually red and itchy. The medical term for ringworm is tinea, but the infected area on the skin can have other shapes besides rings.

Ringworm can affect different parts of the body:

* Scalp

* Feet (athlete’s foot)

* Body

* Groin area (jock itch)

Ringworm of the scalp is most common in children, while ringworm of the body is more common in adults.

What is ringworm?

Ringworm, sometimes called athlete’s foot or jock itch, is a contagious fungal infection.

In most cases, this infection causes a rash in the shape of a ring on the skin. It may occur anywhere on the body, but usually appears on the arms, legs, chest, or back.

This infection is caused by fungi in the Trichophyton and Epidermophyton genera, which are called dermatophytes. These fungi thrive in moist environments like gyms and locker rooms.

Fortunately, you can treat ringworm with over-the-counter (OTC) or prescription antifungal medication.

Ringworm is a contagious skin infection that can spread to humans from animals and other humans. The fungus that causes ringworm can be found in soil, on the skin of some animals and people, and on household items such as clothing, towels, and bedding.

It’s unknown why some people get ringworm while others don’t. It may be related to:

* Reduced immunity

* Oily or moist skin

* Poor hygiene

* Excessive perspiration

* Close contact with infected pets or people

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