What to Do If Your Skin is Peeling

If you have peeling skin, it could be caused by a number of factors which are not necessarily serious. For example, exposure to the sun can cause peeling skin and usually, this is not a cause for concern. However, if your skin is constantly peeling and you do not know why, it is important for you to get to the bottom of your condition as soon as possible. This will help you to ensure that you receive the right treatment and that your skin will heal as it should.

What Causes Peeling Skin?

There are many potential causes of peeling skin, which include:

An allergic reaction – If you are exposed to an allergen, such as poison ivy, or if you take a certain drug, your body may develop an allergic reaction to it. The most common symptoms of an allergic reaction include hives and swelling of the face and tongue. Additionally, some people may develop peeling skin as well.

A burn – Burns due to heat or other sources may leave you with peeling skin. Sunburns are one common cause of peeling skin among people who spend a lot of time outdoors or who like to lie in the sun without sunscreen.

If You Have Peeling Skin…

If your skin is pe

A skin peeling condition is a common problem for many people. Skin peels in order to renew itself and reveal new skin cells underneath. However, sometimes skin peels too much and too quickly, which can be uncomfortable. Peeling skin can result from sunburns, dry skin, certain skin conditions, and even medications.

Learn more about what causes a peeling skin condition as well as possible treatments. Keep in mind that if your condition is painful or you cannot find relief, it may be time to see a doctor.

Peeling Skin From Sunburn

Sunburn can cause the top layer of your skin to peel away. This process is called exfoliation and it helps your body replace damaged cells with healthy ones. Your skin may have been exposed to the sun for a long time without sunscreen or intense sunlight through windows or water reflection. If you are experiencing a mild sunburn, you may not need to see a doctor as most cases will heal on their own within several days. However, you should still take steps to keep your sunburn from worsening and avoid getting another one for at least two weeks following the initial burn.

Treatments for Peeling Skin Caused by Sunburn

If you experience a severe sunburn with symptoms beyond mild pe

Actinic keratosis also known as solar keratosis are rough gray, pink or red skin growths that are caused by too much exposure to the sun. The spots of actinic keratosis usually occur on the head, neck, lips and the back of your hands. Actinic keratosis is a precancerous skin condition. They are harmless but if left untreated they can progress to form squamous cell carcinoma which is a type of skin cancer.

Actinic Keratosis Symptoms

Small rough patches or scaly skin on sun exposed areas

Itchy and painful

Spots can be red, gray or pink in color

Peeling skin

Actinic keratosis is a common skin condition that causes rough, scaly patches (or lesions) to develop on the skin. The majority of actinic keratoses are not cancerous, but some can develop into squamous cell carcinoma if left untreated.

What Causes Actinic Keratosis?

Actinic keratosis is caused by excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun or tanning beds. People with fair skin who have had severe sunburns in the past are at highest risk for developing this condition. Also at risk are people who live in sunny climates and spend a lot of time outdoors. If you have received multiple sunburns during childhood or adolescence, you may be more likely to develop actinic keratosis later in life.

You may have an increased risk of developing actinic keratosis if you:

Spend time in the sun without protective clothing

Are exposed to ultraviolet light at work; for example, painters or construction workers

Have a family history of actinic keratosis

Have a weakened immune system due to medications or diseases such as HIV infection

What is actinic keratosis?

Actinic keratosis (AK) is a pre-cancerous skin growth, or lesion, that looks like a dry, scaly patch of skin. It is also called a solar keratosis, and it feels rough, like sandpaper. The most common location for an AK is the face and scalp, but you can get AKs on any part of your body that has been exposed to the sun.

AKs are caused by too much exposure to ultraviolet light from the sun or indoor tanning beds. If left untreated, up to 10% of AKs may progress to squamous cell carcinoma, which is the second most common type of skin cancer. These lesions often appear in fair-skinned people over 50 years old who have had a lot of sun exposure over the course of their lifetime. However, there have been cases among younger people who have had heavy sun exposure. When left alone these lesions may become red, tender and bleed easily.

Actinic keratosis is a rough, dry, scaly patch on the skin that develops from years of exposure to the sun. The most common symptoms include:

a red or pink bump or patch of skin that is dry and rough

scaling with a crusted surface

a sore that heals and then comes back

rough texture, like sandpaper

Actinic keratosis often appears on the face, lips, ears, back of the hands, forearms, scalp and neck.

Actinic keratoses are often found on sun-exposed areas of fair-skinned people who are over age 40. They are more common in those who have had severe sunburns in the past. They may pose special problems for people with dark complexions because they are more difficult to see until they become raised lesions.

Actinic keratosis is a common condition that typically presents as slightly raised, red-brown patches on the skin. They are more common in those with light skin who have had significant sun exposure and tend to occur on sun-exposed areas such as the face, scalp, nose, backs of hands and forearms.

Actinic keratoses are caused by sun damage to the skin. The effect of many years of exposure to ultraviolet rays is that these changes in the skin are more likely to develop into cancer. The majority do not progress to cancer but it is important to see your doctor if you notice any changes in the lesions or new ones appearing.

The good news is that although they can be persistent they can be managed and even prevented by taking care not to get too much sun (especially in summer between 10am and 2pm) and using sunscreen and clothing to protect yourself when out in the sun.

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