What’s the Deal with Skin Tags? A blog about skin tags and why a dermatologist may suggest removal.

Skin tags are small, skin-colored growths that hang off the skin and look a bit like warts. They can develop anywhere on the body where creases form, including the eyelids, armpits, neck, and groin.

What’s the deal with Skin Tags?

Skin Tags: What’s the Deal?

Skin tags are small, skin-colored growths that hang off the skin and look a bit like warts. They can develop anywhere on the body where creases form, including the eyelids, armpits, neck, and groin. Often mistaken for moles or warts, these flesh-colored growths are completely benign. Many people have them — some studies estimate that as many as 22 million Americans have skin tags — but not everyone wants to keep them. If you notice a new skin tag or one that is rapidly growing or changing color or shape, you should have it checked by a dermatologist.

Skin tags are not dangerous and usually do not cause any symptoms beyond being unsightly. Nevertheless, they may cause discomfort when they become irritated by clothing or jewelry rubbing against them. In addition to having one removed for cosmetic reasons (or if it becomes painful), you may want to remove a skin tag if

You might have noticed a skin tag or two on your body before. Skin tags are common and harmless, but they can still be annoying and uncomfortable. If you have skin tags, a dermatologist can suggest removal options that suit your needs.

What Is a Skin Tag?

A skin tag is a small, soft flap of tissue that appears on the surface of your skin. You can have one or many. They may appear on their own or in groups.

Skin tags appear in areas where there is friction – where your clothes rub against your skin or where different parts of your skin rub against each other. They often appear on the neck or under the arms but may also show up around the groin or upper chest.

While they may resemble warts, they are not the same thing. Generally, you cannot catch a skin tag from someone else (or give it to them). And while warts usually appear as rough bumps, skin tags tend to be smooth and flat as they hang from their stalk (or peduncle).

Skin tags are common benign skin growths. Skin tags are made of collagen fibers and blood vessels that surround fat cells, surrounded by a thin piece of skin. They can either be attached to the skin by a small stalk called a peduncle or can be flush with the surface of the skin.

Skin tags are usually flesh-colored but can appear brown depending on their location. Most commonly, they occur in areas of friction such as underarms, groin area, eyelids and neck. If you have had one skin tag, you are more likely to develop more in the future.

Skin tags are not cancerous but can become irritated if they are rubbed against clothing or jewelry. In rare cases, they can become infected if left untreated. Persistent itching or bleeding should be examined by your dermatologist as these may be signs of an infection or other skin condition.

The medical term for a skin tag is acrochordon and they often occur in multiples and vary in size from 1mm to 5cm (1/4 inch to 2 inches). They tend to appear in older adults and those who are overweight and pregnant women are also at risk for developing them due to hormonal changes.

By definition, skin tags are benign (non-cancerous) growths of the skin. They are usually very small (pea size or smaller), but can grow to be as large as a grape.

Skin tags are most common in individuals who are overweight or who have diabetes. They may occur anywhere on the body, but are most commonly found under the arms, around the neck and chest, and in the groin folds.

Skin tags are not dangerous, but they may become irritated or infected if rubbed or scratched. Certain skin tags may also be a sign of an underlying condition such as insulin resistance syndrome, polycystic ovarian syndrome, acanthosis nigricans, and/or Birt-Hogg-Dube Syndrome. These conditions require treatment by a dermatologist and/or endocrinologist (hormone specialist).

Skin tags are small, benign (non-cancerous) growths that can have a pedunculated (a stalk) or sessile (without a stalk) appearance. They can occur anywhere on the body but are most commonly found in areas prone to skin-on-skin friction, like the neck, groin and armpit. Skin tags are usually flesh colored or brown and may be smooth or wrinkled. Although they’re generally harmless, some people find them bothersome and seek treatment to remove them.

What Causes Skin Tags?

The cause of skin tags is not known. Abrasion is often cited as a contributing factor, but research has yet to show a link between skin tag formation and friction alone. Some studies suggest that skin tags form when collagen and blood vessels bunch up at a fork in the follicle where hair grows out of the skin. Others believe that genes may play a role in their development as certain individuals are more prone to developing them than others.

In rare cases, skin tags have been associated with insulin resistance, diabetes mellitus type 2, pregnancy, human papilloma virus (HPV), obesity and Crohn’s disease. In these instances, removing the skin tag may be beneficial for the overall health of the individual;

Skin tags are flesh-colored growths that vary in size and can resemble a piece of skin hanging off the body. They are most often located in the armpits, neck, or groin area.

Skin tags are not dangerous and are not harmful to your health. They may become irritated by clothing or jewelry, but this does not require treatment.

Most people develop skin tags without knowing what causes them, but there is a genetic component that makes some people more predisposed to this condition. Risk factors include:

being overweight or obese

being diabetic

family history of skin tags

Skin tags, or acrochordons, are benign growths that are extremely common. They are skin-colored growths and can vary in size from very small to large.

They can be found anywhere and can grow on almost any part of your body, including the neck, groin, armpits and eyelids. They usually form on parts of the body where there is skin-to-skin friction such as the upper chest (between breasts), underarms and groin. Skin tags are soft, painless and non-cancerous (benign). In fact, they are not even associated with cancer at all.

What do skin tags look like? Skin tags that protrude from the surface of the skin generally have a thin stalk connecting it to the rest of the skin. Some skin tags have no stalk at all and just appear as a fleshy bump. Some are as large as 1cm in size while others are tiny (about 2 mm wide) and no larger than a grain of rice. Most people have many skin tags; some people have hundreds or even thousands.

Skin Tags – Why do we get them?

Studies have shown that over half of all adults will develop one or more skin tags at some time in their lives.

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