Fungal Acne-A Fact and a Myth: A blog around understanding the difference between sebaceous cystis and candidiasis.
The term “fungal acne” is used frequently in skin care blogs, videos, and forums as a possible cause of acne formation. However, this condition is not an actual form of acne but rather a yeast infection known as Pityrosporum folliculitis or Malassezia folliculitis. This article will discuss the topics of fungal acne definition, symptoms, causes, treatments, and prevention strategies.
The New York Times recently published a piece on Fungal Acne and it’s relationship to Candidiasis. It is the first time I’ve read about such a thing and it intrigued me. So I thought I’d do a little research into the subject.
The article talks about the fact that many people who have been diagnosed with Candida have noticed an increase in their acne as well. These are usually people who have had acne for years, but they are still noticing it more now than when they were younger. Some doctors think that this could be because of the overgrowth of Candida in the body. There are two main types of Candida, one called Malassezia and one called Trichophyton. Malassezia is the one most likely to cause acne, while Trichophyton is more likely to cause irritations in the skin.
Now, there are people who want to claim that Fungal Acne is caused by Candida overgrowth, but there isn’t really any evidence to support that claim, so we will just leave it alone for now. However, if you do have Fungal Acne, then you should definitely take action to get rid of it as soon as possible. It can lead to permanent scar
What is Fungal Acne?
Fungal acne, also known as Pityrosporum folliculitis or Malassezia folliculitis is a skin condition that is presented as a bumpy rash. It can be mistaken for acne vulgaris, which is the most common skin condition in the United States. This type of acne has been commonly misdiagnosed by dermatologists too.
What causes Fungal Acne?
Having said that, fungal acne is caused by yeast (fungus) found in the skin. The yeast feeds on sebum and causes an immune response that leads to inflammation and clogged pores. This type of acne is more common in people with oily skin, but it can affect anyone.
As a professional in the beauty industry, I’ve had a few clients come to me about having “fungal acne.” I’d always thought that the idea of “fungal acne” was a myth and that it was actually acne caused by other factors such as diet or medication. I’d started to notice some clients coming to me with what looked like acne, but was not responding well to traditional protocols used for treating acne. I also noticed that it seemed to be more prevalent in certain areas of the body (back, chest, behind ears) and that it seemed to flare up after being outside in the sun and heat.
After doing some research on my own, I found out that the condition is real, but is often referred to by different names such as Pityrosporum folliculitis, Malassezia folliculitis, tinea faciei and simply fungal acne. The condition is typically caused by overactive yeast in the oil glands of the skin which can lead to inflammation and whiteheads. While it is not necessarily caused by fungus (it may also be caused by other microorganisms such as bacteria), it is often treated with antifungal medications such as ket
There has been a lot of buzz around this term ‘fungal acne’ in recent years. If you are someone who stumbled upon this term, I am sure you are as clueless as I was when I first heard it. The internet is filled with information about fungal acne, yet it is still very much unclear what it is and how to identify it.
In this blogpost, I will try to give a detailed explanation of what fungal acne is and how to differentiate it from other forms of acne.
Have you ever felt like your skin is crawling and itchy? Do you have red bumps that look like acne around your forehead, chin, and cheeks? You may have fungal acne.
Fungal acne (or pityrosporum folliculitis) is an infection caused by a yeast called malassezia yeasts. Fungal acne is not an actual acne condition. It does not contain the same bacteria that causes acne vulgaris. Fungal acne occurs when there is a yeast overgrowth in the pores of your skin.
Diagnosing fungal acne can be tricky because it looks similar to other skin conditions. It can also cause other symptoms, including itching and burning.
It’s important to know if you have fungal acne or another skin condition so that you can get the right treatment to clear up your skin.
Fungal acne is a yeast infection on the skin. It’s caused by a type of yeast called malassezia, which is in the same scientific family as fungi, including the very well known candida albicans. This is why fungal acne is also called malassezia folliculitis or pityrosporum folliculitis.
The yeast grows in hair follicles and spreads to other follicles through contact with skin shed from other infected areas. Fungal acne can be present in people of all ages, genders, and races, but it’s more common in teenagers and young adults.