How To Deal With Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation

About PIHPIH is a natural response to the inflammation and damage caused by acne, but it can cause more damage to our skin. This blog is about what it is, how to deal with it and how to prevent it.

What Is Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation?Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation (PIH) is when an area of your skin becomes darker or discoloured after an injury or inflammation. This can result in a scar or even acne. It can also be caused by eczema, burns and other skin conditions. PIH usually appears as dark spots on your face or body but they can be anywhere on your body.

How To Treat Post Inflammatory HyperpigmentationPIH can affect people of all races and ages but is most common in people with darker skin tones such as Asians, Hispanics and Africans. PIH can occur after any type of injury to the epidermis, even a mild one like scratching or picking at a spot. It also occurs after more serious injuries like cuts, burns and surgery. The most common treatment for PIH is retinoids which are vitamin A derivatives that work by encouraging the cells to produce new collagen which makes the skin look younger and smoother.

What Causes

Post inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) is a common skin problem that can be caused by anything from acne to injuries, hormonal imbalances, and even some medications. It’s possible to effectively treat PIH on your own, but it takes time.

What Is Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation?

It’s a condition that causes the skin to become darker in the spot where there has been an injury or inflammation. PIH gets its name because it is the result of inflammation and it shows up as dark spots on the skin.

PIH can be caused by anything from acne, cuts, bruises, bug bites, burns, rashes, ingrown hairs to surgeries or injections. In short, anything that causes irritation and inflammation can also cause hyperpigmentation.

Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation (PIH) is a common and distressing skin condition that can be triggered by skin trauma, inflammation or injury. PIH presents as darkened patches of skin that occur where there has been an inflammatory reaction to the skin, e.g. acne, eczema or injury.

It affects both men and women of all ages and ethnicities however it is more prevalent in darker skin types. The discolouration ranges from light brown to dark brown and is due to an increase in the production of melanin – the pigment that gives your skin its colour.

While PIH does not cause any harm to your health, it can be upsetting for many people as it can affect a person’s confidence and self-esteem. The good news is that pigmentation fades naturally over time, but it can take months or years depending on the severity.

If you are looking for ways to speed up the fading process here are some tips:

Every day without fail since I was a teenager, the moment I step out of the shower, I carefully apply SPF 50 sun cream to my body. Rain or shine, hot or cold, it doesn’t matter- I always wear sunscreen.

The reason? In my mid teens, I noticed a few dark spots starting to appear on my skin. These spots were around 2 cm in diameter and appeared on my upper arms and legs. As time has gone on, I’ve noticed some spots getting bigger and some remaining the same size.

Along with the dark spots on my body, I have also experienced post inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) from acne on my face. PIH is a condition that results from inflammation in the skin which leads to changes in pigmentation. If you have oily skin like me, you’re more likely to have acne but also more likely to get PIH as a result of it!

I believe that it is important for people who experience PIH to share their stories because it can be a very isolating condition. When people don’t understand what you are going through they are less likely to empathise with you and try to help you. It is important to remember that all experiences

Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) is the darkening of the skin that occurs after inflammation or injury to the skin. It can be caused by a variety of things including acne, eczema, psoriasis, burns, cuts and abrasions. There are two types of pigmentation that you can get from inflammatory conditions. One type is due to an increase in melanin (hyperpigmentation) and the other is due to a decrease in melanin (hypopigmentation). This blog post will discuss PIH caused by an increase in melanin.

The best way to prevent PIH is through prevention of inflammation. This is easier said than done since so many inflammatory processes happen in our skin all the time. If you want to reduce your chances of getting PIH then keep up your sun protection and avoid picking at your skin at all costs!

If you have already got PIH then there are a few things you can do to help fade it:

Post inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) is a common skin problem that results from the inflammation of the skin in response to acne blemishes, cuts, scrapes, burns and other injury. For example, if you had a pimple that left a dark mark even after it disappeared, then you probably suffer from PIH.

While PIH isn’t harmful and will eventually fade, sometimes it can take months or years for it to do so. It would be easy to wait for the dark spots to fade on their own but the fact is that there are ways to speed up the process.

Here are some tips to help you achieve clearer and brighter skin more quickly:

Pigmentation is essentially a discoloration of the skin, whether it is one spot or an area. It can be caused by a variety of things, including but not limited to:

Excessive Sun Exposure.

Hormonal Changes.

Picking your pimples.

Post Inflammatory Pigmentation (PIH) – (Such as from picking your pimples).

Melasma (Skin condition that causes brown to gray-brown patches, usually on the face).

Most commonly though it is caused by acne or excessively picking your acne, hence why this blog is focused on Post Inflammatory Pigmentation (PIH).

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